1994 Moe Norman Single Plane golf swing demo – Interview – (Part 2 of 2)

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Click the following link to get a free Moe Norman golf swing video training series. http://moenormangolf.com/aff/link.html?p=kirkjunge&w=opg Moe Norman shows why he believed that a wide…

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par5sniper says:

Gotta love the way he answers the questions before the guy finishes asking
them :D; so confident, this is one of the most informative/inspirational
golf interviews I’ve watched. ?

William Bush says:

Kirk, how many professional tournaments did Moe win in Canada??

James Welford says:

This is the holy grail of the golf swing. After watching the video’s I
first got the feeling of greatness with the putter – then I got the feeling
with my clubs – Moe has revealed the true secret of golf in these videos –
If Moe had been able to cope with the tour he would have won every event he
played in. When you understand or actually use his technique it is truly
the feeling of greatness hitting a golf ball. Its incredible you setup and
fire the shot, whether 20 ft or 280 yards. One last thing, I have seen some
videos on here of people claming to duplicate his technique – they are not
even close.?

Jerry Bryan says:

Kirk, hope you don’t mind, I’m back with a question on the address position
of the driver. As you said, the club face should be square to the target.
In order for me to do this, and still keep my left arm straight, I have to
hood my driver which takes most of the loft off of it. Does this sound
right to you? Thanks.?

cgasucks says:

Most accurate golfer ever.?

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