Balanced Golf Swing Lesson

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ago1ca says:

Hi Mark. I’m 56 years old and started golfing 5 years ago. My problem is I
don’t get the distance that I would like. My range is from 90yds (PW) to
180yds (Driver). I think that it’s the lag that I am missing in my shots
but I don’t know how to do this. I am a 25 handicapper and can’t seem to
lower this. ?

Doug Stoner says:

Great video mark. I have been having a very similar issue. Will definitely
be trying something at the range tomorrow.?

Jay Davis says:

Playing Kiawah September 3rd… Any tips to fix my overdraw when attempting
knockdown shots? I have a feeling that I will hitting a lot of them in that
wind ?

Big Gazza says:

Yet another great video Mark, although a lot of these vids aren’t relevant
to me in terms of I don’t have these issues or problems, I still get a lot
of info out of them.?

dave danskin says:


Mark Crossfield says:

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