Best Drill Ever for Coming Over the Top

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Top 25 Golf Instructor For your own personal swing analysis from me, please visit The greatest drill ever to elimina…

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Rick Gomez says:


Golf Super Swing says:

I certainly agree with you Zach. I did what you teach in the video and it’s very? helpful.

far77fae says:

I tried this today and I had some great success? at the range. When I did this right I found that I had that loose feeling in the hands as well that I always hear people talk about where you have a light grip on the clubs. I will have to agree that this is the best tip for over the top I have used. thanks a lot!

mithilesh tar says:

yeah. You are smart if you understand you need to eat right at your age to kill? your belly. Listen I saw an interview with body building champion where he talks about 7 odd foods he eats to keep his abs hard. you can watch out here >>>

crisco4235 says:

I must say that this is the best you tube drill I have tried thanks so much zach, this totally has improved my ball? striking

emncaity says:

No prob. To be clear, it certainly didn’t originate with me.

Various people describe? the feeling in different ways. One thing that helps some people is to think of it as building force from the ground up — with the force going _through_ the shoulders rather than _with_ the shoulders, once it gets there — rather than applying force from the shoulders down.

Anyway…the “shoulders still turned while arms swing down” thing was a big key for me at times, for sure.

Lee Rick says:

Hi Zach….2 kinds of over the top, right shoulder getting active early on transition and right hip turning? early on transition. have a nice day!! cordially…Rick

Lee Rick says:

Hi Zach,
Nice video lesson. That is okay if the golfer gets his right elbow back in front of him, but it will probably get people stuck if they have early leg drive. Have a? nice day…

vincentmack37 says:

i have being doing that for years, what i want is a solution for it. its very embarrassing on? the tee


wow… great.. playing tomr.. needed? that

Todd S says:

At approx 4:40 or so I’m amazed that he isn’t bringing to attention that the guy is casting, but is instead focusing on the top of his golf? swing.

scortongardy says:

They are 2 completely different shot shapes. The push is caused by swinging the club from in-to-out which is the correct swing path if you are going to play a draw, the club face just needs to be a little bit more closed. The slice will be the out-to-in? swing path and you’re probably doing what he describes in the video. So when you’re executing the dropping motion correctly that’s the push and your bad swing is the slice.

YoeyYutch says:

Although I don’t mind coming over the? top with my 6 iron through SW because it can produce a nice soft fade on shots to the green, I think this concept, even just the mentality without the drill could help me hone my driving accuracy.

goldenstar9 says:

I am suffering from lack of power,? fades/slices, been working on this for a week and so far very impressed progress, such an alien feeling though after years of pulling the club with the right side. Well worth persevering with.

pureprotea1 says:

After trying? this all i do is slice or push the ball!!

Roli Rivelino says:

Beautiful, just beautiful, I can’t wait to try this? out.


Clear clean and? neat -=Good teacher!!

emncaity says:

(part 3:)

Also — if you swing back to the top and stop, then hold the arms and club steady and turn your shoulders back toward the ball (counterclockwise for a RHer) 20-30 degrees, you’ll see just how steep and outside you get immediately even with that little move. It’s not possible to hit solid shots from there. Look at how sharply downward the clubhead will have to travel to get to the ball — almost all the force will go straight down into the ground instead of into the back of the ball.?

emncaity says:

(part 2:)

If you stand straight up with your arms out, and you want to swing them around your body in a big range of motion, I guarantee the intent to swing the arms would result in your shoulders turning.

Just the change in thinking that leads people? to stop trying to drag the arms around with the shoulders usually results in improvement pretty quickly.

If you have a copy of Penick’s Little Red Book, look up the “magic move” — it’s basically a slow-motion drill for this.


emncaity says:

Understand, I’m not talking about the shoulders being frozen or not moving. They have to move freely, and they should rotate on the downswing at the right time. But that time is _not_ right at the start of the? downswing. You don’t want to drag your arms around with your shoulders. The shoulders should respond to what you want to do with the arms and club, so that if you want to swing the club back and around, the shoulders (without undue tension) will turn to allow that. (ct’d)

philbothe1 says:

great point about? the “arms moving down while the shoulders are still turned” . I’ve never heard anyone else point that out. THANKS!

retadude says:

Tried this at my golf range. people next to me told me to stop fooling around.. But I think it helped my swing!?

CaptainAndrewWiggins says:

thank u sir. i will try this drill.

btw ur a very handsome man. if i had ur good looks and ur swing i would be able to get birdies all the? time.

skaterkid154 says:

interesting tip. Thanks!?

Hector Elizondo says:

This is the best video golf tip I’ve ever watched. Especially the section that starts at 3:45. This has put me on? plane and added 10-20 yards to every club. I’m 58 years old and its a joy to shoot in the 70’s again. Thank you Zach Allen

Anthony Roberts says:

Top video? that.

Pat Cat says:

very creative drill.? never saw it before.

Stanley Ross says:

Hi. I just saw this video. It looks like to me that Quiros begins dropping the club even before beginning to rotate his? hips. Is this correct or basically is the slight fall done at the same time as the hips begin to rotate? Thanks a lot. Stan

Bryan Buffinton says:

Thanks for the response. Yeah, I’ll take some video and look at it. I just threw that out? there. My theory is that I’m failing to release the club, based on deductive logic. I’ll take a look at some video tonight. Thanks

emncaity says:

Kind of hard to analyze without seeing your swing. It depends on so many factors. Could be anything from overuse of the trunk and legs that makes you leave the club behind; a failure to release in an otherwise pretty good? swing; the ball popping out to the right because your contact is steep, on the toe, and open; etc. Just depends.

emncaity says:

I know you’re talking to Mr. Allen, but I’m just curious — straight right,? or curving right? Solid contact or not? Where on the face are you making contact? What do your divots look like, and where do they point?

emncaity says:

Another reason for the junior golfer’s OTT: Too flat on the backswing, which tends to throw you over the top on the downswing.

Also, with Quiros, look at how long his shoulders stay turned as the arms are moving down and forward. This is possibly the most underacknowledged critical move in every great swing, and so much swing theory gets it dead wrong. How many times have you heard (or read) that the chain of motion in the downswing involves the? shoulders “pulling the arms through”?

Bryan Buffinton says:

miss is now right.? What’s most likely happening?

Bryan Buffinton says:

Great drill! ? I was struggling lately and this really helped. However, my

DjDemyze says:

This? has been such a helpful drill! Thank you sooooooo much!

ascii456 says:

The root of the problem actually lies in 90% of amateurs who fail to make a proper hip and shoulder? turn.

dannyfr22 says:

this video is superb. truly? superb. i dont have a huge problem with coming over the top, although it does creep in occasionally. with just having this thought in my mind, stops it completely, adds more power, and just improves my tempo. cheers mate.

WereAllThatBored says:

Well….? why not try this…. everything else has not helped. Hell I May even pay you if this drill works!!!

Alex K says:

This is the best instruction on coming over the top I’ve ever seen! Period. I’ve learned more in 6 minutes with this video than all the? other YouTube videos and golf magazine articles combined. Seriously! I just watch video of my new swing and I am amazed at how far my swing has advanced from this. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!

Indranil Chakravarty says:

Worked? for me. Great tip.

Burlingwood Au says:

How about feeling like loosing up the grip just at? the top of the swing and then leading with the hip?

lenzerwin says:

You don’t look like a Zach? Allen.

mikedeming12 says:

great drill, i can use this as an instant fix for when i get too armsy. it’s insane how often? you need to remind yourself of the little things in golf. excellent job!

STG44tiger says:

Looping the club to the inside is where all the big hitters get their? power

fradaja says:

perfect…..i got rid just by initiating hips first,which had the same effect,seen soo much BS ? info on here about this……great vid

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