Bill Haas Golf Swing Analysis: Master the Golf Transition (Golf’s #1 Lag Instructor)

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reyhan griffin says:

I already watched that free video and I still need help. Golf Instruction says:

I would work on the step drill in the “start the downswing before the
backswing ends” then go ahead and feel like you drive through the left
ankle as you make the downswing. It will make sense once you watch the
video. Watch the weight shift video on the channel here and click the link
for the free video. Good Luck! ~Clay Ballard Golf Instruction says:

Thanks. I will keep that in mind for my next review. ~Clay Ballard

reyhan griffin says:

I need a tip to squat. and also release up with the lower body

John Cordall says:

Any chance of using a different colour marker than red as it’s very hard to
see ( red/green colour-blind) other than that very informative. A lot to
take to the practice area. many thanks

Chuck Quinton says:

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