Bryce Bundy: Man Breaks All His Golf Clubs

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Thanks to reader Tom who sent this in. Hat tip to Bryce Bundy who filmed this guy going berserk after a member guest event.

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B.A. Chan says:

These guys are an embarrassment to the sport of golf. This is supposed to
be a gentleman’s game, not a game of thuggery. ?

mallrat11 says:

but then he parred the back 9 with a 7 iron to qualify for the u.s. open?

Alex Looper says:

Am I the only one laughing as hard as the people in this video? Jesus,
lighten up you people can’t have a little fun? ?

Earl Schmidt says:

Evidently his game didn’t go well…?

Mosinlogan says:

Dumb white nigger. ?

Mark Bailey says:

We should not let guys like this play we take our kids out on the course.?

evan watkins says:

What an asshole. Golfers never disrespect their equipment. Golf is a
gentlemen’s sport. You sir, are far from that. ?

MuTau says:

Filmed with a potato, who uses Flip Phones still??

Ed Junior says:

144p? You should be ashamed you even own a phone.?

Ryan Grimes says:

So many kids would have cherished those clubs and bag. Sad to see .?

Scott Bender says:

That IDIOT should NEVER play golf again. He clearly does not have the
mental capacity.?

jordanredman says:

Are we sure he is destroying his own clubs, and not his playing partners’?
Looks like he puts a couple of the clubs into another bag, presumably

Patricia Ellis says:

what an idiot – and everyone laughing at him are too….grow up and take a
golf lesson?

Simon Edwards says:

When will people learn to film landscape?

2dgametheater says:

Witness as golf goes bad. The most physically intensive sport ever devised
for American TV has a secret dark side that hides spousal, children, and
drug abuse. All so these mad men can get just a few extra yards on their

Moosey says:

Aww… Poor rich guy with nice clubs and is a member at a country club has
such a stressful life.?

RideBikes says:

Why are people getting so upset from this? It’s funny as fuck and I golf ?

KangurywithCurry says:

Well you got to see he made 30 000$ through this video :) ?

marsdog says:

Tiny Cup?

John Kardier says:

Quand les américains s’emparent d’une tradition britannique… La classe,
l’humour subtil, le raffinement. Les américains sont aux britanniques ce
que les romains sont aux grecs.?

Jon A says:

People take sports too seriously.. They are supposed to be fun; not like

tufaznail says:

Grow up?

Cory Foster says:

White people first world problems…?

jdheelfan says:

A carpenter never blames his tools?

ParaSpoofsProduction says:

The state of California would be coming for your firearms after a tantrum
like this…?

J Bizzo says:

only in America.?

Gingernaut7 says:

Meanwhile I can barely keep food in the fridge. I wonder where all this
silly ‘class warfare’ stuff keeps coming from.?

Silkir says:

Haha 😀 If you’re gonna break your stuff because you’re little mad. Give
them to someone who could actually use them :)?

iJabstep says:

Children in Africa could have eaten those clubs?

MyFaceHole says:

Golf is stupid anyways, good for him.?

Emilio Expósito says:

que personaje?

Channel 2012 says:

What is it with this epidemic of retardation that causes people to record
videos sideways like this??

Atticus Rex says:

First world problems got me like…?

John Doe says:

*The entire time, I felt like I was watching/listening to the real life
Micheal from GTA V.*?

jayzee says:

Give them to a charity mudafukkka?

RocketRadioShow1 says:

teenage behavior. pitifull.?

Nizm0350z says:

shortie needs to stick to bowling?

Nate Mullins says:

That was funny but what a dumbass lol?

Alan Snipes says:

This is probably the kind of guy who will go out and buy another set and
resume playing. ?

slvrtdr04 says:


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