Butch Harmon – Golf training video

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Cihat Esen says:

Attention Golfers:
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Three Jab says:

Loving the ska music during chapter checkpoints?

TheChemBros3 says:

check out our channel for some crazy golf trick? shots

Ramsay Mery says:

He hits? it both ways.

stevenvanwinkle24 says:

I? thought his son was left handed

mavallarino says:

Even though the philosophical parts were cut out, thanks for posting!?

Alan Sykes says:

Great? stuff Butch.Thanks!

sinodraagi says:

This is great!? Very useful tips! Thank you!

Bob Bright says:

Good stuff Butch, thank you. Look forward to checking out your bunker fundamentals? on the coarse.

HowToBuyGoldCoins says:

Very nice video
Thanks for posting it?

bumrusherer1985 says:

66adt – IMO, that is because you start the downswing with your upper body too much. If you started it with? the lower body and are to far from the ball, you fall backwards. At least from my experience.

Jean-Claude Hirel says:

Tu? pourrais tourner plus les épaules mon pote

carldawgh says:

his son looks? like such a dork in this video haha

666adt says:

It seems counterintuitive to me that if you’re standing too far away from the ball at address, that you would then? fall BACK away from the ball after impact. Whenever I’ve stood a bit too far away, I’ve fallen TOWARD the ball after impact, because I’ve had to go “get” the ball, because I was too far away from it.

Haydn Price says:


kidalb3rt says:

Thanks? for the upload!

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