Chipping From Deep Rough Golf Lesson

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gmonkey808 says:

maybe Trevino said it as a? joke. i dunno !

gmonkey808 says:

nope.? called that because of Texas hardpan not rough.

StankPunatra says:

Cool little? tip

Shaun Stokes says:

Nice tip mark will try? this !

mynusss says:

I gotta try this and see if it will work with my center? shaft.

DMACK1981 says:

Wow. That’s a nice? tip. Thanks!

Brian Cook says:

That’s why the putter is sometimes referred? to as the “Texas wedge”.

patrick l says:

hey i enjoy all your videos. Been watching them for a while now.. big fan! Love your approach to the game and have taken your approach to the game over many other youtubers. Thanks, and you’re hilarious! Keep up the? good work and appreciate all your free advice.. -From dude in California

dathyr1 says:

I too say interesting. As qgbson34 said in previous comment, I use my hybrid irons to get out of thick stuff if just off the green, I’ll have to give this a go to see how well it works with a putter which I never? thought of using it that way. Thanks for the lesson.

qgibson34 says:

Interesting. I’ll always used a hybrid to get out of thick rough.? Hmmmm. Thanks.

Lee Holden says:

Interesting concept Mark, never? thought of trying a putter for one of those before! Will give it a go and see what happens!

DiscoLankaDisco says:


CKTRangerS says:

Hi mark CAN YOU PLEASE help and make a video on how to not dip the back shoulder through the follow through THANK YOU FOR READING THIS? please help CHASEN

alltimesports23 says:


TheJhaley12 says:

been? doing this for years, works great once you get use to it.

23nunny says:

Just want to ask for a review on the best wedge of 2013 SCOR wedge please from ur convict? friends in OZ .?.

Leftienige Blank says:

I this THE Logan Grayhill? , the one with 30+ majors to his name?

TelePenguin says:

I do not recall the inventor’s name, but this shot was coined? decades ago and is called the “Texas Wedge”. Been using it over 35 years now. Very effective indeed.

rjl91788 says:

lol @ the 3 dislikes. The ball stop a foot past the hole. ?

Joseph Herren says:

Mark Crossfield here, I’m? wearing another ugly shirt, lets get stuck in.

OneClickComs says:

what if im in? the rough but im atleast 20 plus yards from the green?

Radu Blaga says:

definitely use this shot nice job Mark?

sluggosloan says:


Nick Farmer says:

After watching this before my round I found myself in? the same lie. Figured I’d try it out. Saved par. Thanks Mark!

adsfaedaer says:

seen this done? with a 3 wood as well!

Alex Yorizzo says:

Swing? hard. Get lucky

Logan Graybill says:

Dumbest? tip ever

klarkus says:

What would you do if? you had about 20 yards in that kind of condition?

Richard Bunt says:

Quality? Mark

Scott Mitchell says:

Awesome advice mark, will most definitely use this shot in? the future

Stephen Hebb says:

Awesome tip Mark, gonna give that ago, tend to play from those lies a? lot and get stuck with an iron.

sean graver says: the? fad was a hybrid..or a 5 wood..out of the thick stuff..around the green..again another great video..on how you can use different clubs to acheive the same purpose enjoy..i your videos 😉

tuomas seppälä says:

doesn’t work that well with mallet? I reckon

andrewbeuy says:

I do that pretty often,? and have done for the past 2-3 years, good one though :)

snakedoc514 says:

Very cool?

mmaker1337 says:


Golfnovice24 says:

Will? practice this and see how i like it… Thanks

Olly sussex says:

That’s a great bit of advice Mark. I guess that the risk factor cranks up significantly trying to do this with some of the more fancy mallet styles…..TM spider for example (if that can be classed as a putter!) 😉 I guess there is potential then for some snagging in the rough.?

Sander Nelemans says:

brilliant!? :)

DJR0633 says:

cheers? Mr percentage

Zach Harney says:

I tend to use the same technique but with a 55 degree. Weight? on the front foot, lil bit of hinge, no follow through. Still what you showed is worth considering.

sliqdaddy91 says:

really cool. i’ve struggled with this in tournaments before but will try this next time I? can get in a practice round…thanks

Bobba8590 says:

Driver works also! Really great for long chips.?

3rdgroove says:

play low, win high? :-)

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