Disc Golf Tips: Stop trying so hard Disc Golf Nerd

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Calvin Brown says:

A little bit goes a long ways.?

LucidDose says:

Nice, rooster rock?

FDG4ever says:

Great advice. I’m having trouble with it also:)?

1992mramazing says:

I’ve always wondered why you never showed your face? Just interested.?

Cory Watson says:

Nice pics of the course.. where is that?? It looks beautiful out there.?

Michael Frost says:

try harder to not try so hard. awesome. ill second this advice.
surprisingly, i throw further now after breaking my heel because of the
post-injury power decrease.?

brievans95 says:

Good advice. my son was flipping his disc over all the time because he was
trying to throw way to hard. once i got him to slow down he was throwing
pretty shots. got to let the disc do the work.?

Disc Golf Nerd says:

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