Disc Golf Tips & Techniques : Disc Golf Release Techniques

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In disc golf, the technique for throwing the disc is all about grip and good timing of a release point. Learning the fundamentals and practicing often is the…

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David Carns says:

Tried out *disc golf* yesterday and I really liked it!

I was surprised how you really need to hold the disc differently if you
want to throw a long distance. This video explains it well.?

tunnis7us says:

propably best eHow video I’ve seen yet :D?

Saemj Baumgartner says:

This is almost as hillarious as those Expertvillage videos 😀

Shelly Gray says:

:) Great video! Helped me out a bit.

SuperiorConcept says:

also agree

c380284 says:

Thumbs up if you thought he was saying gripping your dick instead of disk
most of the time. Good video series though :)

SgtMantis says:

I played every day this week, now my shoulder is killing me,.

anthony burgeno says:

This helps me alot

mdneilson says:

Agreed. Thank you.

Xehanator says:

this has been very informative. like your vids ty for the tips

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