Disc Golf Tips & Techniques : How to Do the Forearm Throw in Disc Golf

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Learn how to execute a forearm throw when engaging in the outdoor recreational sport of disc golf in this free video series. Expert: Justin Lentz Bio: Justin…

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jonny kimbo says:


burgrman says:

Is it just me or are the Discraft videos 10x better?

thaiboy815 says:

god you fucking suck noob

Mustanglover1202 says:

how the fuck do i get rid of the subtitles covering the screen.

gydigh says:

Expert Village? More like Expert Village idiot!

WhiteWidow08 says:

you hold it like a girl. and the sound idea was pretty dumb

mike evans says:


Steve Huebner says:

Ok I give up what is a flick?!!!!I thought that was a disc by discraft!! I
have been on a million website and i have yet to find anyone call a fore
arn the flick!! I guess it is kinda like you flick the disc in the

movingtracks says:

No one I know who throws a flick throws this way. Either one or two fingers
on the rim of the disk. Also most people including pros I’ve seen dig back
to really throw it. It’s good for beginners in particular as the backhand
throw takes time to grasp. A friend of mine throws all flick: z flick for
driver, (discraft) quantum QMS? flick for mid range and normal for putts.
Myself when I do it I throw a boss for flicks over 300′.

john jackson says:

is that hahamongna?!!!!

jaredcrobinson says:

Sound, memory, visualization? What is he talking about? This guy’s videos
are very funny.

expertvillageblows says:

your mom is athletic

SoVertiginous says:

expertvillage = crap disc golf videos. If you go out to a disc golf course
and start repeating things you’ve heard on these videos, people are going
to be quick to correct you. I just happen to grip it like this guy. But
most people grip their “flick” with two fingers close together, or just one
finger. And your disc can fade left OR right depending on if you throw a
“heizer” (fades right) or “anheizer” (fades left). If you throw left-handed
the labels are reversed. “expert”village my ass…..

Matthew Wilkins says:

I call it the flick…

AnimixLA says:

That’s the 10th Teepad at Oak Grove Disc Golf Course in Pasadena, CA . The
first permanent course, which went in in 1975.

expertvillageblows says:

i make that sound when i jackoff

chstephe says:

is this serious?

Kevin Byrne says:

The flick IS the name for the forearm throw. At least thats what its called
in ultimate frisbee.

whonotmeyou says:

more like doushe village. ZINGER.

Jesterian says:

Has anyone noticed that it says he’s been playing for 10 years? How can you
be this bad after 10 years?

kazanyemmi says:

this guy is an asshole. “if you flick it, its gonna go right” wrong. it
goes left and then goes right and it all depends on the disc, fade and
curve. ever disc is different. I have a disc that you throw right, on a
curve and still goes far as hell right

Dustin Peterson says:

hello 360p..

Mitch Davis says:

Where the fuck did it go?

mzuleger says:

what a tool

Evrabeet says:

@SoVertiginous I can only agree to what you are stating, I was shaking my
head off even though I am no expert. I am only in it for the fun and
socializing. That said, I’m a perfectionist, and it hurts to listen to
amateurs stepping into expert shoes… Practice, and look at what others
are doing, and try to repeat them techniques, my best advice.

ferrarif40 says:

“sound memory visualization technique….” I love when people run their
mouth in an attempt to sound intelligent

mugrootbeer17 says:

lookong at the…. the….the Cage…… dumarss who calls it a cage

Dustin Peterson says:

lookin’ at the cage.. lol

Anthony Colombo says:

Expert village needs to get real discgolfers to give advice

Paul Wills says:

this video was pretty bad…. really bad actually

Austin Robinson says:

i used to throw forehand dominant until i realized its a must to
“DIVERSIFY” the throws in your bag if you wanna be a well balanced player.
but the forehand throw is NOT a more “athletic” throw in any way. for most
people it takes much less skill and form to throw further with a forehand.
and your V finger grip minimizes distance, and whenever i used to get a
snap off my two fing it would usually result in a shank because of a bad

nickmorganmusic says:

wow you a douche bag. … and by the way you suck at guitar

sometimehuh says:

this guy is a racist

danny G says:


Austin Robinson says:

where the shit are you playing? the box is huge

longsmellyride says:

I don’t mean to be rude, but where the heck did the disc go? Do you guys
really see the disc after he is done grabbing on it? 😀 I am no expert!

kahtfish says:

No wonder my game has not been improving. I obviously need to work on my
sound memory visualization technique.

notkick says:

You really have to get better before you make videos………… Rookies
can’t help other Rookies, oh and your village is filled with anything but

Mustanglover1202 says:

@snowbrdr200 thanks

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