Disc Golf Tips & Techniques : How to Set Up an Approach Shot in Disc Golf

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Learn how to set up an approach shot in disc golf in this free video series. Expert: Justin Lentz Bio: Justin Lentz is a member of Disc Golf at the Universit…

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TheInsaneGoon says:

rofl, what an r tard

gthompson89 says:

Come on guys at least he’s really good

discgolfer33500 says:

i only listen to pros. not amaturs

Kirbygames89 says:

@discgolfer33500 Id rather listen to people who can spell the word

discgolfer33500 says:

njice try . but your attitude is all wrong. try to make that shit in. your
never going to get any better making. 10 footers.this sport is all about
attitude. go for it man!!!!

Znorps says:

I love these videos. This guy needs to make beginners guides to everything
in life.

Kisamooses says:

You call going for the basket “living on the edge”? Wow, these videos leave
me absolutely speechless. Obviously these clips are created after a few fat
joints and are meant as a joke people. Seriously, no one is that fucked.
Unless he is actually trying to fuck up your game. Hate to say it, but you
might be the retards if you think this lad is for real.

sothe422 says:

@discgolfer33500 He ain’t no am….he’s a talking ubertall disc-throwing
two year old. But there are some ams that give great lessons. Take Beto for
example. He’s good.

ihatejuliaroberts says:

Rule violation: Didn’t mark his lie.

discgolfer33500 says:

like i stated .. i only listen to pros not amateuws. and i dont care how
its spelled.. amateur… is an amature.

sothe422 says:

he’s classifying discs by color? I guess giving him a yellow dragon, orc,
and viking, he’ll have 1 brand new disc mold!

gydigh says:

what in the world is a cage? Don’t you mean basket??

discgolfer33500 says:

no expert

notnowxnotever says:

expert village is gayer then AIDS!!

redcrayolaking says:


jerscare88 says:

dic golf is the gayest thing ive ever seen in my life. anyone who plays it
is a retard.

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