Don Trahan swings

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Don Trahan swings all clubs in his bag from a face on and down the line views (poetry in motion)

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ShakotanFC says:

Oh look. Someone who can play? and teaches a move founded on intelligence, knowledge of physics and what plain works on the golf course. The rest of you guys should go watch those “secret of Hogan mystique” vids and then go tell ur buddies how to swing at the driving range. Mmmk. BB.

Vetrlz07 says:

He never gets his shoulders turned more than about 50-60 degrees. Not needed. Look at the consistency through the hitting area. He won’t get the same distance as he could if he took his shoulder turn farther, but probably hits 95% of his max distance while optimizing accuracy? and consistency. Very impressive.

steelorgraphite says:

this? is gooooood

shavedhead78 says:

old jack when? he had a bad back and did golf my way, yes. young jack…no.

shavedhead78 says:

in his videos i believe he says his toes are square to the aiming line, but here it looks like he has a slightly open stance with? all irons and hybrid and then a slightly closed stance with the FWs and driver…

gbtcsa says:

I? like his simple swing. It is very accurate.

Tom Jans says:

Don is only 5’9″ tall. Height is irrelevant. This swing works because it conforms to the laws of physics better than any other and one that takes into account the way our body is meant to move. He is 62 years old, works 7 days? a week teaching and doing free golf lessons for his website and doesn’t have much opportunity to play or practice anymore. Yet he can consistently drive the ball 240-260 yards and more importantly land the ball precisely where he wanted it to land. This swing is real!

rick JOHNSON says:

Height has nothing to do with it. Tall or not, the swing works. If you have clubs fitted for you, this swing will work. It is much easier to get that all important club head lag with a vertical swing because the club head is not pulling down at an angle, and you can balance it without effort. I let the club? head drop down right before I swing. This loads the club and the club head always comes into the ball perfectly without me trying to manipulate it.

rick JOHNSON says:

Hey this swing works! It is not shit as you so eloquently put it. Stick to your own swing if you like it. Hey no one is forcing you to change, but I tell you this swing works. I have been picking swings apart for years and came across the vertical on my own and of all the swings I have worked on, the vertical is without a doubt the best. Now put that? in your pipe and smoke it.

Peter D says:

@jr55ful: That’s an awfully long waggle, really more a micro-swing. I like Don’s swing, don’t get me wrong, but why get your rhythm going with a big ‘waggle’ like that, and NOT train your muscle memory to have it be the same as your swing? I’ve tried Don’s email lessons, and I have mixed feelings about them. A 75% swing is sensible. A vertical swing? I dunno. Hard if you’re not tall. And? Trevino’s advice about hitting down on the ball still stands, despite Don’s objections.

jr55ful says:

the waggle is just a method to get rhythm flowing,not necessarily a? micro version of the swing.

Peter D says:

The plane? of his swing in his pre-shot routine is much flatter than his actual shot. The reason for this is???

secretogolf says:

I thought I was the only one who noticed this.There is a great video here at UTUBE where Jack hits PW-Driver, 2 camera positions and you can see the similaritys regarding how whole and simple it is.Very quick to getting the club moving vertical.Of course Jack went further past parralel with his late wrist cock.?

rrtmlt says:

Why? don’t you pack up your camera and stop selling this shit

billizzard says:

don id say the best things are? to preload right and bump.what do you think are two things to focus on to keep it simple

BoHoVsGolf says:

it looks like jacks? swing

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