Double Overlap Palm Putting Grip; #1 Most Popular Golf Teacher on You Tube Shawn Clement

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Close Shawn Clement, Director of the Richmond Hill Golf Learning Centre in Toronto and Top 25 CPGA Teacher as rated by Score Golf Magazine…

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jordan peck says:

does it matter if i hav complimentary hand movement in my putting stroke. i
say your hands should be soft, but not active. is this a good idea?

Scott Davis says:

Hi Shawn love the videos and can’t wait for the DVD. What are your thoughts
on left hand low, and can you think of any reasons why you wouldn’t
recommend it. I am a good putter but I tend to switch my grip back in forth
allot. I like the feel of a normal grip but I roll the ball more on line
with left hand low.

AussieRosie says:

Thanks for clearing that up Shawn :) I won’t tell my husband he’s a wombat.
What an interesting bag set-up you have. It would be great to be able to
play both left or right handed. Are you naturally right handed? I’m
thinking a left handed club would be handy to have in the bag. Which one
would you reccomend?

Nathan Beier says:

I’ve been experimenting with this grip w/ somewhat inconsistent results,
although i like how it places the shaft and forearms are on the same plane.
so the pinky and ring fingers of the right hand are overlapping the left?
what about overlapping the index and forefinger of the left hand over the
right hand and having the shaft in the palm of the right. this feels more
comfortable to me and really makes for better distance control. Perhaps
because I am right hand dominant? Thanks for the video!

Shawn Clement says:

LOL…An 8 iron would be good; most everybody uses the 7 iron the most so
they won’t miss the 8 iron much…I am right handed and have a good two
hand backhand just like in tennis…you can check out my “right or left
video” Shawn

hooptime says:

Need a close up of you grip Shawn. I don’t really understand it.

tshoey22 says:

i use and oddesy white hot number#1…it’s not bad….i am a pretty decent
ball striker when it comes to full shots…but short chips and putting is
where my game is inconsistant…and ironically this the short game is what
i pracice most….but you videos have helped some …thanks…

kuneckid05 says:

yeap, There are over 120 pounds in UK.

Nathan Beier says:

i should specify: the shaft isn’t really running through the palm of the
right hand in the variation i was trying to describe. rather, the right
hand is “full” of the putter grip as opposed to “full” of the fingers of
the left hand.

Shawn Clement says:

Have a look at my “golf pro lesson rhythm” video and apply the same
technique to the putting and chipping; if you were to match up the bpms of
a metronome to my 7 iron, it would be about 48 to 52 bpms; the putting
motion is much shorter so we would be looking at about 64 to 70 bpms; as
long as you feel that there is no decel or shove in the motion…see also
my “golf pro lesson perpetually putting” video; Shawn

Shawn Clement says:

Yes; you can’t find this model anymore; it is a 2 sided Seemore so I can
putt from both sides…I also do not like the price they are asking for
them right now under their new ownership; great putter though, very clean
lines! Shawn

Garret Riddle says:

Hi Shawn, thanks! What is your advice for working on putting tempo? Is a
metronome a worthwhile tool?

TheHoyster13 says:

What do you think about a foward press like Phil Mickelson does?? Do you do
it and should I try and use thi techinque.

antixone1 says:

that grip never works for me with my 48″ shaft.

Jose Kuhn says:

I putt LH and have a LH 8 iron for chipping while everything else is RH. My
putter grip is a double overlap where I overlap both my pinky and ring
finger. I do most of my practices both two handed and one handed (RH). I
actually feel that within 10 feet I am a little better one handed than two.
The LH is really there to give me stability on longer putts. To be honest
there have been times at a tournament where I have walked up to a four foot
putt and with out thinking put it in one handed.

Tim Shay says:

Hi Shawn, Thanks for the response and the new video! This answered my grip
questions. Tim

Shawn Clement says:

Short answer: If you routinely lag to 2 feet on long putts and sink 80% of
your putts inside 4 feet, keep doing what you are doing; otherwise have a
look at the “Golf Pro Lesson Short Game” video and see how to maintain the
“Y” on your shots…lower case “y” for the chipping and capital “Y” for the

aieux leduc says:

good vid thanks for posting

Shawn Clement says:

Very astute observation! I know that many players who have used tape for
blisters in the past get so used to them that to play without feels too
weird; so I would not be surprised if this were the case with the putter
for Tiger! Shawn

zz99xx66vv33 says:

0/3 but VERY good video. Thank you! ^_^

Shawn Clement says:

Hi Rosie! The rules state 14 clubs in the bag. Period. You can have 14
putters in there if you want! :) Phil Mickelson carried 2 different drivers
in his bag at his last Masters win. I carry 6 left handed clubs and 8 right
handed clubs! :) Shawn

NHOJ1111111 says:

Shawn, Could you please do Close ups of the grips. Both your recommended &
the Left hand low, as I am still unclear as how the hands & fingers mesh
together. Your orginal close ups of the full swing grip really helped alot.

Shawn Clement says:

I will look into it! Thanks! Shawn

AussieRosie says:

Giday Shawn, I’m a beginner golfer and I’m improving a lot with all your
helpful information and I’ve just yesterday bought a new putter. I have
been using my husbands putter. I was going to take both putters to my
ladies competition game on Wednesday. My husband tells me I can’t have two
putters in my bag even though I will be under the club bag limit. Is that

Shawn Clement says:

Depends on the putter I would use; like Zack Johnson, I don’t forward press
because the “seemore” putter is designed to keep the same angle both in
sight and loft; it also works well with my philosophy of “intact arm putter
unit”. There are other ways of flowing into the stroke without the forward
press and I talk about it in my “golf pro lesson perpetual putting” video;
Thanks for the great question! Shawn

Shawn Clement says:

@tshoey22 Not really; I love the Ping Answer and the Wilson 8802; they also
feel pretty darn good! Shawn

itubeutude says:

well… you are a pro.

Shawn Clement says:

Good point; I will definitely consider this in my next putting video; Thank
you for the great comment! Shawn

Shawn Clement says:

Thanks Scott; Many of my students putt much better left hand low as they
move the arm-club unit much more effectively in the sense that the unit
stays intact throughout the motion; When I see a golfer use the wrists and
hands a lot, I take them to the left hand low option; if I see a big
difference, and in many cases I do, then I highly recommend they stay
there; you have my absolute blessing! :) Shawn

GolfLessonsTV says:

Thank you for this great video. It’s been added to GOLF LESSONS (dot) TV.

Mark DiMatteo says:

I like to copy the best..I noticed Tiger uses a tape build-up on his right
middle finger.I would like to ask him,”why?”Do you think he uses that area
of the grip as a focal point while putting ? We don’t use two hands to toss
a horse-shoe or roll a bowling -ball. I think it may be a “secret” that is
so obvious nobody notices

itubeutude says:

lol. shame about the break.

Shawn Clement says:

Have your body Forward enough where your arms and putter can hang in front
of the body and feet while remaining still stacked through hips knees and
ankles; Where ever your eyes are, so be it…Body balanced and putter
balanced below the shoulders are the priority; then momentum can track the
putter on line! Shawn

Shawn Clement says:

Thanks for the comment Yusailo; I think your variation is quite solid and
if it feels better to you go for it! There are no grips to fit everybody
here as there are so many variations of lengths of phalanges and palms;

tshoey22 says:

shawn, i see in your putting videos you use a center shafted style
putting….would you suggest this type of putter for this tpye of putting
technique….or doesn’t it matter?

beekay4g91turbo says:

thanks alot

Scott Davis says:

Hi Shawn Is there any way you can post a video showing a close up of your
grip. I am really trying to understand the double overlap. Also do you
think this grip does a better job of allowing the palms to face?

Shawn Clement says:

@scott4525 I will add this to the list! Thanks for the suggestion scott and
hooptime! Shawn

kuneckid05 says:

is that a ‘SEEMORE’ PUTTER???

jordan peck says:

should the ball be directly below mt eyees or should my eyes fall just
inside the ball?

Shawn Clement says:

What…you were expecting perfection? I do one takes only…not enough time
for anything else…:)

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