Easiest Swing in Golf UPDATE

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Hello YOUTUBE and hello Brian Sparks. Some clips of me hitting various clubs after working on Brian’s method for about a year. I have an official handicap now a shade under 10 (well, at…

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Chabacano Maximus says:

Hi Amigo,
How can I get in touch with you? would like to discuss this method with you
further, if it is ok.
My email is mighty_spartan@hotmail.com
hope to hear from you soon.

saloil says:

Hey All,
When I discovered Brian Sparks videos I was instantly intrigued with the
simplicity of his approach to the golf swing.
I bought the book but after reading it I was still asking, o.k., how do you
do it then?
Really no drills or thorough explanation of what to work on. Is it simply
practicing ‘ the dance’ ?
I want to learn this but where do I start?

Robert Franklin says:

Your Swing is looking great! I too use this swing like you it has produced
fantastic results. I hope more people will give this swing a try. Golf has
become fun again! I will never go back to a traditional swing again. This
swing is so much easier. Thanx for posting your video.?

John Lawless says:

Hi Amigo, just a quick observation. your move is under (inside on the
backswing) and then over (this gets you on a decent plane) on the
downswing. I think Brian is more of a 1 plane kind of guy (same plane on
back and down). Most pros are first over then under.?

dinorell says:

Very smooth swing. Check with Brian, but it would help if you aimed
slightly to the right of your target. I do the same thing and aim and swing
down the line. But if you get a tee, and place it just ever so slightly to
the right of the path, it will cure your fade and make you a very straight
striker with some draw. Love the smooth effortless swing. I will try to
copy that. Mike in Memphis?

jch3200 says:

Check out the Swing and Sling Swing method. ?

Fred Lee says:

Hi Amigo ~ I saw Brian’s swing and yours. Brian’s teaching is very similar
to what I learned from my teaching pro about 10 years ago. I’m not here to
give you a lesson or anything, but I think you are missing a major point of
Brian’s swing. I’ll try to describe the best way possible. This easy swing
of Brian’s (and the swing I learned) requires “very loose hand and arm”. I
see both of your arms are very tight throughout the “swing”, because you
are “swinging” and “hitting” at the same time. unibody turn is good, but
instead of “swinging” the club, you need to take it up on your backswing
with relaxed hands and arms, so at the top of your back swing, you should
feel the FULL WEIGHT OF YOUR CLUBHEAD on your left Thumb. From there, all
you’re going to do is “Dropping your hands and arms”, not by forcing it
with your hands and arms to generate speed.Then the Clubhead will take over
your swing, stay on your swing plane, accelerate through the ball and
“decelerate as it pass over your waist line.” — That is exactly what’s
happening in Brian’s golf swing. if you watch carefully, Brian is
“dropping” his hand without any force. no tight arms, nice relaxed grip.
Notice Brian rest his club on his shoulder after the swing. The club is
resting on his shoulder because his arms are completely relaxed. no tension
at all. That was one of the drill I had to do when I was taking lesson from
my pro.

you need to loose your arms and hands, almost to the point where it feels
like you don’t have any control over the club. (My teacher told me once
that “You shouldn’t be able to control your club, because Clubhead is doing
all the work for you. All you have to do is take it up and drop it, just
like dropping a water balloon from the second floor…”)

I hope it makes sense ~?

Jarrod Dale says:

I so want to do this! . . .

Do you send these video chunks to brian through YouTube?

I live in ND, I wonder how far away from each other we are??

kikokika1 says:

hi amigo
Its nice to see someone other than Brian uploading a video on the easiest
swing in golf, thank u
For me this swing has made a lot of wonder and made playing golf enjoyable
again i called it the (lazy golf swing) but the result are astounding.
Today i play in the par 3 course and i must say i hit all greens with my
irons, not only do i hit it farther and straighter my body is so relaxed
after impact , Thank u Brian
With regards to the driver i made some compensation of making the bottom of
my swing 3 to 4 inches before the ball and so far it worked for me all
straight ball, With the short game chipping and pitching, I made a
combination of doing brian’s back swing and holding my right wrist bent on
release and it worked (again im practicing still)
None the less Brian’s swing though has made things so much easier and fun
for me. Thanks Brian a million again
And amigo i wish u success and thank u for posting ur videos?

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