Easiest Swing in Golf

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Watch 60-year old British Pro, Brian Sparks, showing you how to swing the club with consumate ease. He shows how you can play without all that debilitating t…

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amigopheasantkiller says:

I read Brian’s book (highly recommended) and took online lessons from him
(also recommended). Positive experience with delightful results. I review
his book, philosophy and online lessons on youtube. Copy the link below and
paste into the Youtube search box. youtube.com/watch?v=jo88Pe373K­c

Brian Sparks says:

Great comment. Thanks. I wrote my book to help people to avoid all those
temptations of coiling like a tight spring whilst stressing the spine and
back muscles – all totally unnecessary and ineffective!

Brian Sparks says:

Thank you for this comment. It is everything one wants to hear as an
author. We’ve all been duped into thinking that our natural swing isn’t
correct or good enough. If it isn’t natural we have to think about it too
much and this can never get us to achieve our potential. Brian Sparks

Brian Sparks says:

Yes, do La Danse du Golf as much as you can. It seems quite simplistic so
it’s easy to underestimate how effective it can be. Use the winter to let
the ideas in my book and video clip mature in you. Read Shoemaker’s
Extraordinary Golf. I also strongly recommend the Original SwingRite for
keeping your rhythm and timing going. It’s also a very effective way of
keeping your swing ‘fit’ during the off season. Email Kate at
kwswingrite@aol.com to get one. It’ll be the best investment you ever made!

Scott Moffenbier says:

Thanks for the reply…since my post I have purchased and read your book. I
was very impressed and found the info quite inspiring! I live in South
Dakota and our end of year is fast approaching…maybe two more weeks at
best..would you by chance have an “drills” or “advice” on how to learn your
swing while being indoors for the next 5 months…thanks! Scott

Brian Sparks says:

Hi Scott, I can’t give you any exact stats because everyone hits the ball
different distances. All I can say is that I hit it further when I am
relaxed and moving well than when I get static and tense. Coaching other
golfers, whatever their handicap, proves this daily. My brother who is 7
years younger than me, so 55 now, is hitting it so much further than he
ever did when he was a very tight and technical swinger. The real issue is
that we don’t feel powerful when very relaxed. Brian Sparks

Scott Moffenbier says:

Looks like an awesome swing! Wondering if a swing that slow can produce any
distance or must a person do alot of laying up…I’d be curious to know
what the wedge, 7iron, and driver average yardage is…

rrasmussen32 says:

You are right. A very easy way to hit the golf ball consistently.

rrasmussen32 says:

The book is fantastic. I tried this swing after spraying the ball all over
the course. It works, no strain or pain and best of all the ball goes

Beyond thought says:

I bought your book. Thank you, I instantly knew I had my natural swing

Mike Snow says:

As always Brian continues to be innovative and helpful to golfers of all
ages and physiques. No surprise he is still doing it at 60. Great rhythm.
Regards Brian Mudge

Jim JimS says:

I just wish Mr. Penick could have seen this!

Kirk Junge says:

Looks like the Bill Mehlhorn swing as taught by Bobby Shave in South

Mark Warriner says:

Man smooth and easy swing. It works for me too!!!

yunkmaster says:

I also bought his book and it is a must buy. I am hitting the ball great
and feel the most relaxed and comfortable I have ever been while playing
golf. Again, you have to buy this book and start forgetting everything you
hear others advise and especially those golf tips in magazines and on
television. This will improve your game.

Mashie niblick says:

Super smooth swing, great rhythm, a treat to watch.

ThirdTimeOut says:

bought the book 3 weeks ago. best money I have ever spent on golf. I can
play golf again without feeling like I need to be put in traction the next

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