Fairway Bunker Tip; #1 Most Popular Golf Teacher on You Tube Shawn Clement

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www.shawnclementgolf.com Shawn Clement, Director Of the Richmond Hill Golf Learning Centre in Toronto and one of Score Golf Magazine’s top 25 CPGA Teachers, …

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bells11967 says:

Hey It work i done everythink you done in a fairway bunker it was close to

Shawn Clement says:

Hey tlabel; Nice to hear from you! All the best to you this Christmas and
Happy New Year! If you go to my website, you will see the “You Tube Shawn”
page and all 136 of my other videos…Shawn

Shawn Clement says:

Yes you bet! Tiger’s was a 3 iron from 215 plus yards over a lip, trees,
and greenside bunker to stop the ball about 15 feet from the hole… Shawn

Ben Blackshaw says:

i hit the ball cleanly but never get any loft from bunkers? Can you help me?

Jose Kuhn says:

I had tried to use annika’s siwng ans a model for my own and added the
right knee out thing on the dwons swing and now I have to get rid of it. It
seems that most of the things that I was told to abandon or unlearn (that I
had picked up from Jack Nicklaus Lesson Tee) I am having to relearn all
over again. UGH!!!

finster869 says:

Shawn, Are you using more of an open stance with this shot help insure a
full hip turn on the downswing despite the flat feet?

itubeutude says:

If you were hitting a longer iron, say a 5, would you still keep flat
footed throughout the whole shot?

masonb82 says:

Hi Shawn, An off-topic question: could you work on a video for hitting out
of the rough? I’m new to the game and never sure how I should play these
shots. Do you hit the same as off a fairway but take an extra club in the
rough, can you hit any club out of the rough, etc.? I’ve just got no idea.
Thanks for all the great videos!

Shawn Clement says:

This shot feels very much like the “Golf Pro lesson feet together drill”
and the “golf pro lesson uphill, downhill, sidehill shots”; where we hit
uphill shots and ball below the feet shots; you will then see that there is
nothing special and complicated about this shot; just place your feet in
the sand like I show you and feel a nice whip through to the target; Shawn

Shawn Clement says:

Good question! The answer is no! The right foot staying down is what forces
the left hip out of the way through the ball; other videos on the subject
are: “Leverage Power”, “On the slopes” and look at the ball below the feet
and the uphill shot…players on Tour to watch are Kenny Perry, Scott
Verplank, Boo Weekly, Brian Gay who all keep both heels on the ground
through impact and well into the follow through! Shawn

Ryan Oatley says:

another great vid Shawn

Shawn Clement says:

HMMM…sounds good; let me see what I can do; Shawn

Shawn Clement says:

What I am talking about is the efficiency of this particular move; Annika
has other efficiencies that allow her to perform such as her arm motion and
her mind; Kenny Perry and Scott Verplank have other inefficiencies in their
swings unrelated to this; Thanks for posting! Shawn

Shinji Yoshi says:

your feet doesn’t move or shift at all, it’s amazing. I have trouble with
my feet shifting around in the sand – can you elaborate on the different
kinds of stances or weight shift sequeneces, etc. depending on the sand
(loose, hard, etc.)?

bruinscf11 says:

wow your swing positions are awful,lol

pmuhlbier says:

great explanation. this is the best

obi1jim says:

would i use the same technique if i had to go over a reasonably high lip of
the bunker

Douglas Cabler says:

Shawn, it looks as though you can really whip the golf club through with
your feet anchored in the sand that way. Very good lesson, indeed.

Shawn Clement says:

Depending on the sand in the bunkers…some courses have the same sand in
both greenside and fairway which is very difficult since the ball’s weight
brings it down lower into the sand below ground level instead of sitting up
on grass which is above ground; very different! The sand shot would be like
hitting out of a sandy divot! This is why golf courses should just leave
very compacted humid sand in their fairway bunkers…that would be tough
enough for most…Shawn

Shawn Clement says:

Sure; go to my “golf pro lesson sand shot” and “golf pro lesson buried
bunker shot”; Shawn

Shawn Clement says:

Yes, as a matter of fact, it is a great way to practice…if you look at
Kenny Perry and Scott Verplank through impact and deep into the follow
through with all clubs including the driver, the right heel is on the
ground right through 90 % of the finish…Prevents getting ahead and clears
the hips properly through impact! Thanks for the comment, Shawn

Jose Kuhn says:

What about annika’s right foot coming up early??

Santolino1976 says:

Happy New Year Shawn! I want to thank you for very helpful vidoes showing
all kinds of great technics. Greetings from a cold Sweden.

Anders Marthinsen says:

Hello Anders here from Norway. I herd from my local golfpro that I don’t
need to use my body and much rotation when I’m shoting a greenside
bunkershot. Then I will have more controll and not shot the ball like I hit
it to hard and I’m going way off the green and the target. What do you
think about that? Did you understand what I mean? Do you have a difrent way
to get more control in the greenside bunkershot than what I just said now?
– Thank you :)

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