Finger boarding tips for beginners

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mobkid says:

dude your like on of worst fingerboarders i seen from my whole life

Miner Bro says:

Don’t put your finger under the board and use two fingers most of the time

Tortoise Terror says:


Tortoise Terror says:

Dunno -terror- bit it dont matter not every1 who watches will sub

iGamesMayhem2448 says:


KGproScooters says:

Checkit996 why are u commenting on all of there videos u pervet

Armyranger2828 says:

Beginner tips on life. Step1. Get up off ur lazy bum step2. Stop finger
boarding because the girls definitely like that. Step 3. Get a skate board
or longboard and go outside

Tortoise Terror says:

Josh I know him in real life lay off him ure not that better-Terror-

Tortoise Terror says:


mobkid says:

and your way below beginner

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