Free Golf Tips on Grip : Free Golf Tips: Interlock Grip

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An interlock grip may better your swing and game. Try the free golf tip for having a better grip and swing in this video golf lesson. Expert: Jay Golden Bio: Jay Golden has been a PGA Member since 1982 and was selected for the PGA National Teaching Committee in 1988. Filmmaker: Suzie Vigoin

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D2theBrown says:


mossy121c says:


CCMAR says:

I Naturally used the interlock grip. Didn’t know there was more? than two ways of holding the club

Chrisfromlehigh says:

I have small? hands so this is perfect for me.

DaDonnieDawg says:

cheers, im finding the interlock grip more comfortable myself.
If its good enough for the? 2 greatest ever players thats fine by me!

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