Free Golf Tips on Grip : Free Golf Tips: Ten Finger Grip

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A good golf grip like the ten finger grip can improve your swing and game. Try the free golf tip for having a better grip and swing in this video golf lesson. Expert: Jay Golden Bio: Jay Golden has been a PGA Member since 1982 and was selected for the PGA National Teaching Committee in 1988. Filmmaker: Suzie Vigoin

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SoftwareReviewExpert says:

I am trying out for the long drive competition and I was at the range today and I was slicing the ball very bad and it was only going like 240 yards which my normal is like 300. I tried the 10 finger grip and man OH MAN I hit the ball atleast 340+ carry. The face came through the ball perfectly and was able to? swing the club faster. I love the 10 finger grip./

plastibob says:

I tried about 20 balls at? the range with my driver – wow. For me it was very solid contact, much more distance, better accuracy. Need to try it with other clubs and in a round. BTW maybe his finger counting joke went over some peoples head

tonijom says:

I? am a 8 handicap and had trouble working the ball mostly hit hi fades I went to this grip an it works really well it brings your right side through

rafalgolfvideos says:

Switched to 10 finger? recently, so far very good for me

sammoth1995 says:

fail he cant? even count!

TheSlovensky says:

Absolutely correct! Ten finger grip (putting as well) facilitates? the release. I live by it. Beth Daniel, Bob Rosburg, Art Wall, Betsy Rawls……..great players all with the ten finger grip.


It was a? joke……

shandyjack says:

lol cant? even count… idiot

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