Free Golf Tips on Grip : Free Golf Tips: The Baseball Grip

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The baseball grip may be great for improving your swing and game. Try the free golf tip for having a better grip and swing in this video golf lesson. Expert: Jay Golden Bio: Jay Golden has been a PGA Member since 1982 and was selected for the PGA National Teaching Committee in 1988. Filmmaker: Suzie Vigoin

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ceeloshady3 says:

Oh boy, I just deleted a comment that I was teasing you about your “Hooked? On Phonics” bit at the beginning… Checked out another video of yours… You’re just a funny, smart golfer, aren’t you?! LOL!

mrbritvic says:

if you have small hands or a weak grip put your left thumb and hand on the grip as normal -put you right hand on the grip with the lifeline on your left thumb and? then put all your fingers on the club- it feels great, really solid and strong and it helps a slice -try it on the range you may be suprised

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