Free Secret Golf Tips : How to Cure a Hook in Golf

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Learn how to cure a hook and other golf tips for beginners in this free instructional video series on golf technique and curing your golf swing. Expert: Jay Golden Bio: Jay Golden has been a PGA Member since 1982 and was selected for the PGA National Teaching Committee in 1988. Filmmaker: Suzie Vigoin

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bigboywoods2002 says:

what a? dick head!

nuckster94 says:

Just work on? square alignment, that’ll cure the hook. This will just cause you to slice…..

dchu2701 says:

Good? tip

jacobcrny says:

simply use your bowling ball.?

MyMacTricks says:

Yeah? guys! Tap that ball!

1ballysillan says:

have i lost? the plot or is he mental

rphbo says:

wow this didn’t help at all, and I’m not a? bowler

timekillervideo says:

hit the ball straight to stop hooking it,
thanks for? stating the obvious knobhead.

itsonlyafl3shwound says:

hahah this guy if da best! he’s got me laughing pretty good right now!
im going to watch of his vids for rofl not? skill reasons…

itsonlyafl3shwound says:

hahah this guy? if da best! he’s got me laughing pretty good right now!
im going to watch of his vids for rofl not skill reasons…

Adlai Alexander says:

Actually I totally get what this guy is saying. Yes, there are a lot of specific technical things to consider when trying to cure a fault, but any decent golfer knows that physical analogies can work well. He obviously has good technique. Lots of guys do. I think the best have good? technique AND good analogies.

bigboycat1 says:


catfisa says:

this guy? is gold

Tim Johnson says:

Hi Jay,
Great mental image for me . Tried it on Sunday and beat my handicap for? the first time this season. Would it transfer to bunkers, chipping etc, as I hook nearly everything.Keep up the good work . Tim UK

13skinsfan69 says:

this guy is? a clown

TeamTeardrop says:


tarkstar99 says:

fred astaire does the same thing in a dance sequence in one of his? earlier films hitting loads of golf balls perfectly in succession, i don’t think he even played golf, goes to show its all in the mind , just hit the flippin ball best you can

brp9v9 says:

i dont have a beach ball with me? when i golf. what should i do?

SoonersFan19 says:


acetron1 says:

i like the guy that said it was retarted, does not even know how to spell it.? this guy is dumbing it down for all of us beginners that are obviously watching his video because we are NOT good enough to be in the PGA like him. wow you guys are just plain mean!

gcm102989 says:

damn you? are a DOUCHEBAG!!!

reddy1984 says:

i think he might be american.? couldn’t be 100% sure though

stevekorea1 says:

Fuck I love this guy.

For? comedy value that is.

p01argentina says:

You´ll need to keep searching for the secret… nowadays you? know nothing about the golf swing…

flubberduskyman says:

Damn? i left the seven ten split!

danielbeddoe123 says:

i fucking knew tht u idiot “hit the ball straight”! yh thnaks a fucking lot, FANTASTIC advice, so worthy of? a 1 star! twat!

pickerjones says:

straight! straight! straight!……..i? bet they were all duck hooks
worst lesson ever

jade swagdaddy says:

this guy is on crack?

glockadoodledoo says:

Exactly…the guy? used this minute clip to show us that he could hit 4 balls in a roll off the tee. Pointless.

jeenyus720 says:


knightkeeper1 says:

As a teacher of the game i am? amazed that this guy is a member of the PGA (of america, i assume). The MOST common reason for a hook is grip. This tip is a fix only for a small percentage of hook-ers.

K1NGP1N360 says:

i thought this was a golf tip not a bowling tip haha but i? get wat hes saying

bg24955 says:

why am i hooking? coz you are not hitting straight.? how can i hit straight? stopping hooking.

JooLan says:

He’s insane.?

Khaot1c says:

I’m trying to cure a pretty wicked duck-hook. After thinking about this and putting a bucket of range balls all over the place, I’ve come to? one conclusion.
It’s not that golf can’t be taught – it just can’t be learned……….

wederbremen says:

his other video teaches u how to cure a slice by? hooking the ball…confusing….now ur curing a hook..hahah….funny as but!!

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