Golf Channel Instructor Search – Kiran Kanwar

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See this video to laugh a little and improve a lot – learn a science-based swing to hit the ball further, straighter, higher AND make a soft, high pitch shot

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Jack Lam says:

Definitely looks like my dad’s swing cuz he has lost the flexibility? in back rotation. This really just kinda looks like a half swing with no wrist hinge. My only question is if it really affects the distance? Gotta try it out!

KiranKanwarGolfPro says:

ksharpe10 got it right. Look at all the videos, especially the newest ones. Lots of practice swings is a great idea too, one I use all the time in my teaching – first without a club, then with a club. Better, simple details of ‘how to’ are on the ebook? DIY (do-it-yourself) GOLF sold through the yourgolfguru website. The most pain-free method is to get the swing personalized for you with a few lessons over the summer in St Louis – book through the website.

ksharpe10 says:

It also produces real solid contact, and is Over the top? proof. You would have to really re-route a club drastically to come over the top.

ksharpe10 says:

Tried this swing and setup today. It is without a Doubt very reliable. Hit the Ball at the Target, I did not? pickup any distance, but it was easier. Easy setup, had no coach. What more could you possibly want. Great Swing for someone who has, or cannot devote Hours to Practice. One suggestion do quite a few practice swings to get the feel for it. And Watch many of Her other videos to see the improvements it makes on other players swings.

KiranKanwarGolfPro says:

No. ‘Joe’ is just your typical average male golfer who thinks women know nothing about golf. The reason for not having someone act out the part of Joe is that the requirement for the Golf Channel Instructor Search video was that only one instructor was to be in it. They also wanted something with entertainment value plus usefulness as a golf tip. There are plenty more videos on youtube by? various others who entered in the contest.

Tobes57 says:

Is she schizophrenic?
Who is this Joe who keeps verbalising through her
Freaked? me out reminded me of the Exorcist

fatboystudios08 says:

weight in center at impact? club approaching at a shallow angle? Impact is the same as Address? Quite a different way of thinking about the swing.? I wish you well.

cutuquero says:

It looks different and a little robotic but it? makes so much sense. Thanks Kiran !

a2banjo says:

Thanks for simplifying a complicated process. Tried it out on the course today and for the first time hit 8 over in nine holes against a normal of? 15 overs.There were no dove shots. You saved my golf…………………………………..

KiranKanwarGolfPro says:

For all those who thought there was merit to what was said in this video, please do have a look at a new one, ‘Understanding Tiger’s Karma’ which explains how the human body bends and twists in? a SIMPLE MANNER

KiranKanwarGolfPro says:

see the video of pkvasa (comment below) to? see the swing improvement

pkvasa says:

thanks kiran for your minimizing method , yesterday your tip , helped me in my swing , and i was hitting crisper shots on the? ground
prakash vasa

KiranKanwarGolfPro says:

Both levers as mentioned in Alistair Cochran’s Search for the Perfect Swing exist in this swing. The 2 levers being arms rotating at chest and club rotating at wrists. This swing has more chance of the first lever because the LEFT? arm forms its radius (difficult to swing over-the-top). ALSO, the second lever develops NOT in the backswing, but in the downswing. From a WIDE backswing, the arms drop down with gravity, the right elbow lags and then, so do the wrists.

k2junge says:

Not sure how you? wish to create speed without leverage. Lack of leverage seems to be one of the biggest problems golfers have.

Entertaining video though.

Raman Kaicker says:

Great? clarity…..perfect reverse engineering! I tried it and has proved amazingly consistent and accurate.

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