Golf Clay Pigeon Shooting; #1 Most Popular Golf Teacher on You Tube Shawn Clement

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Close Shawn Clement, Director of the Richmond Hill Golf Learning Centre and top 25 CPGA Teaching Professional as rated by Score Gol…

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Gavin Craig says:

Great example of lag and release?

Shawn Clement says:

Yes; now I do! :) See “golf pro lesson how to repeat your practice swing”!

Shawn Clement says:

Nice way to highlight the video! Thanks very much for your comment! Shawn

pokerlife123 says:

so in your mind imagine the ball is stuck to the clubface and your trying
to sling it off ?

jordan peck says:

love the way your right heek is pulled up when you right arm gets to where
a ball would be 😉

gohox81 says:

Is it just me or was anybody else expecting Shawn to hit one of those clays
in the air with a golf ball?? I’d give 3 to 5 that he could! Shawn, thanks
for the info from your other “new release”. I started playing around in the
yard with my 6 iron after I received your comment(I swear my neighbors
think I’m crazy! Wait till they see how I practice in the snow! :)!!!) I
think I am crashing into my chest with my arms! Could that cause my iron
shots to fade for often than not? Thanks. -Bryan

Shawn Clement says:

I think you have the gist of what is and what should be happening in the
swing; as long as the arms and club are being tracked by centrifugal force
and gravity and not manipulation…Shawn

Shawn Clement says:

Not silly at all! Check the response I gave Golfrules08 just below…It is
my favorite feel in the swing! Shawn

Shawn Clement says:

Hi Bryan; it is possible; where i would like you to look at is on the “Golf
Pro Lesson Be a Solid Ball Striker” where I show you how to use the arc of
the swing to your advantage to hit the high draw to the target; you will
see or confirm that you need to play the ball slightly back of center with
a clubface slightly closed to the ARC LINE to hit the high draw…if you
play the ball too far forward, you are in more of a position to hit the

jordan peck says:

the shoulders must be open at impact. fact. if you pause any good player
their shoulders are around 35* open at impact. its silly really to think
that you can have your shoulders square at impact. look on this video at
2.06 and you can see that your shoulders are pointing to the top left
corner of the screen!!

Mark DiMatteo says:

the club position at 7:26.. is proof the focus is the “swing of the club”
as opposed to the “hit of the ball”. As golfers we have to focus on
“swinging” and let the swing take care of any “hit” that may occur as a
result…good swings hold up under pressure.One key is “quiet hands”QUIET
HANDS allow the shaft to swing through the all important position described
at 4:38 and 7:26..I thought I was the only one who looked at something and
the first question is,”Can this help my swing ?” Ha Ha

Mark DiMatteo says:

Another great analogy..Do you ever notice when a golf magazine does an
expose’ on a players’ swing they always omit the all important halfway down
area ? They usually go from the start of the downswing straight to impact.
I know the reason why..Because if they described that part of the swing as
eloquently as Shawn, does at 4:38..where the clubshaft is allowed to fall
paralell to the ground halfway down they would put themselves out of
bussiness !

Shawn Clement says:

Hey Honketyhank! It is playing in full right now as we speak; I think you
tube has just done some updating that is wrecking havoc with a few


Hi shawn.. i really like this idea.. it really help my game as far as not
focus on the ball instaed of target.. however.. i realised that i wasn’t
able to focus on the target entirely.. any tips on how to stay more focus?
thanks.. Elvis

Wayde Johnson says:

Also, do you feel the swing a lot in your butt? I’m trying to squat a bit
more to get what I’m thinking is the catapult feel, it’s almost to the
point where it feels like the swing is half (or more) powered by my
butt…is that even possible?? haha :) …I hope this question isn’t as
silly as it sounds!

ProfessorCockrum says:

get out of the way sonny, we want to play golf…..we aint got all day, its
near 7AM, the day is a wasting….

666mcnally says:

look at Adam Scot his shoulders are square at impact is there any thing
wrong with his swing ?

Shawn Clement says:

Wait a second here Jordan; shoulders and chest are different right?
Compared to the chest the shoulders have 20 to 30 degrees of mobility so I
can still have the chest in front while having the shoulders square (or the
perception of). I just want to make sure we are talking about the same
thing here. You know by now that manipulating the body into positions
during the swing is not my thing but there is no harm is looking at a few
positions for comparison and perception adjustments…:)

Shawn Clement says:

I know; how dare they walk in on my video!! LOL! Shawn

duffygolfstuff says:

this video helped me A LOT. thanks, shawn. you are an awesome teacher.

Shawn Clement says:

Nice question! The goal is to allow the club face to square on it’s own
through the top of the arc; the face would be slightly open at impact, then
as the ball compresses against the face, the club continues to move towards
the target and the face continues to square until the ball comes off the
face and separates…this is where you want the face of the club to be
square which would be slightly more towards the target than top of the arc;
again, you are letting gravity do the work…Shawn

Shawn Clement says:

@tyga00 Thanks for the post! And yes, I already have one; they work great!
I will have to make a video on that one too…:) Shawn

golfrules08 says:

when im practice swinging my swing is going really well then when i go to
take the shot my mind goes blank and his useless what must i do??

Shawn Clement says:

@cockywatchman1976 Have a look at one of my latest called “golf pro lesson
strike it pure” part 1 and 2; and also see “golf pro lesson weak grip or
strong grip” as this is an eye opener as well; do not think “should and
should not” when it comes to your set up! :)

jordan peck says:

i hate you sometimes shawn. golf must be so much fun when your as good at
it as you are, but you dont have to worry bout the travel worries and so
forth that the tour players do. wish i had that

Shawn Clement says:

Next I will have a guy doing the clay pigeon launching and I will fire golf
balls at it! :) Would be a great contest for Big Break!

ESADE08 says:

Hey Shawn, great analogy! I am a hunter myself and have been shooting clay
pigeons many times. Anyway, never related it to golf. It really helps to
move the focus away from the ball and to the target. Cheers, Patrick.

jordan peck says:

the only real problem is with people thinking that the shoulders should be
square at impact, is the try to make people have square shoulders and they
end up swinging way too far inside out

Shawn Clement says:

I am not disagreeing with you Jordan; you can look at it and describe a
fact like you or a feel; to me, I am trying to get to the feel of when I
whip this way, it goes where I want it to…I would have to do research and
a video with the K-vest to get you real numbers and still, what the heck
would that accomplish as far as a feel to a target…:) I will give you
props about square shoulders to target being a myth though! I wish we could
talk more and not have to formulate short versions!

Shawn Clement says:

Hey Patrick, Thanks for the comment! Yes, so important and critical for the
development of the proper swing to focus on allowing gravity to release the
club through the ball to the target…to focus on the ball would be like
trying to hit the back of the percussion cap with the firing pin instead of
the clay pigeon! Shawn

jpindahaus says:

Love the old guys showing up – but don’t worry, I think I got the point of
the video. Thanks!

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