Golf Exercise Ball Training Tips – Mike Pedersen Trainer

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Close – Using a fitness ball for golf improvement is inexpensive, portable…

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Perform Better Golf says:

Thanks! Many more to come!

Ken Gardner says:

Mike, You are incredible ! I enjoy all of your information and I am just
curious what you think of a product called the stretching pole. Also do you
offer group sessions in person if I visit AZ ?

zdm56 says:

ive got 23 days b4 i go on vaction man i need some advice in what i can do
in 23days to gain some extra distance

Glenn Stark says:

Great tip. Love the information on your site.

veryangrydevil says:

It would be a shame if you did not get ripped when these normal people do
it easily using H6x Muscle Monster (go Google it).

Perform Better Golf says:

@KesherMedia I’ll be there soon lol :)

mikepedersengolf says:

Thanks Kenny! Looks like a decent product. Would love to meet you if you
came to AZ!

Perform Better Golf says:

You’re welcome. I aim to please :)

JoelCharron1991 says:

Hey Mike! first off thanks a lot for these videos! I have a question I live
in Canada and im heading off to South Carolina during the March break :D.
What can i do to get ready?

Mat Packer says:

Nice tip, really like the swinging exercise, will definitely add this to my
routine. Cheers @matpacker

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