Golf for Beginners : Golf: Killing the Ball

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Overpowering, or killing, the golf ball is a common mistake among young players who are constantly chasing the long ball. Learn to avoid overpowering the gol…

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jurr80 says:

This guy never played a good round of golf in his life. It is impossible
with his swing.?

cowbaisala says:

That is right….never kill the ball……….I used to kill the ball so
hard..I hurt my back..and now I understand just to play
soft…let clubs do the work and it will go as far as it can! but this
guy’s swing is ugly 😛

AznsPwnAll says:

lol thats a common but natural feeling. Wanting to destroy the ball.

jeagle64 says:

“when I was younger…” and ” hit it softer to hit it harder….” huh? hit
it far and be a star is cool though.

thelakersforlife says:

I started in May of this year. It is now August. I told myself I would not
try to kill the ball today and I played the best I have ever played in my
life. I can not explain why this occurs but it is true.

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