Golf Forging Video – Long Version (Japan)

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Here is the long version of the Japanese Forging Process that KZG uses.

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jeret001 says:

must admit? pretty good comeback, but i do think its pronounced engrish

MrYoshicat says:

I’ve played blades all my life , for me? this is like watching a ” How God created the world in 7 manufactoring Process’s “

liam macloughlin says:

The place? looks like a health and safety nightmare

Chungmicogroup says:

T? v?n, s?a ch?a, cung c?p các lo?i máy công c?, máy gia công c? khí lh: 0902229178?

Gman6755 says:

making a joke? tariq, lighten up!

Tariq Kanwar says:

Poor craftsman always blames his tools. (have you heard that one before or is it over your head.)?

Tariq Kanwar says:

That chicken scratch writing is probably ancient than the language you speak, learn to respect? other cultures and languages, world does not revolve around English. DICK HEAD ( Is that English enough for you? Prick)

corlettxvii says:

No Speaka? Engrish(?) What the hell does all that chicken scratch mean?

Gman6755 says:

WTH?? All that fancy work and they still? can’t make a club that hits the ball straight?? I know the problem is not me…….

RM Lo says:


Heath Triffett says:

that’s done after market in golf shops and such as? most club manufacturers and a lot of pro shops consider spining shafts is a load of rubbish and does nothing

bicklesby1 says:


ultrapak says:

miura? are better while these are mass produce forging method.

Robert Dore says:

Just look at all of that “hand work”…it’s no? wonder that they’re not cheap.

Robert Dore says:

Fascinating video, what a shame that many western nations have moved away from manufacturing…
We used to makes cars in Birmimgham UK; now we barely make a mess? :-(

Robert Dore says:

Ian Connelly to a young? Nick Faldo
” if you can’t control yourself, you can’t control you game” :-)

asfaf wfawf says:

does this forging process apply to honma clubs made in 1990’s??

sindude300 says:

did not even spine the shafts.. ?

stikmunkey says:

I will not throw my clubs in to the lake in anger anymore after? watching this video :)

impreg2007 says:

I could see letters that “ROI-KORE D3 57” at5:44
This factory seems to make Royal Collection=Sonartec clubs? too.

fiftypeehead says:

Very cool?

andyira1 says:


golfkzg says:

KZG and Vega are separate companies with different designs, processes, etc. However, they do come out of the same foundry (the foundry made this video). There are only so many foundries vs. a lot? of golf companies so almost all foundries produce for mulitiple companies (even for the big OEMs).

frickface1 says:

Great video! Didn’t know KZG sourced Vega for forgings. Serious quality! Are the designs co-designed or does Vega design? for KZG? How does that work? Awesome stuff!

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