Golf Instruction – Trapping Impact (Multiple Swings)

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In this video, you’ll see my method uses the body rotation to trap the ball as it unwinds. At impact, everything is moving the ball, not just the club head. …

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When practicing the trapping impact drill, we want the wrists to maintain and not release for about a 50 yd. shot. This teaches us to hold the setup position through impact. This creates solid impact. This allows and teaches the body to continue rotating past impact to the finish. On a full swing, the wrists will unhinge much later in the swing. We just don’t want them to anticipate releasing or be letting? go of the hinge too soon or at impact.


The wrists do unhinge later in the swing (on? their own) when the turn has finished. The reason for the drill holding the wrists is, my method uses the body to trap the ball while the body is rotating. Most golfers stop their rotation and throw the club head into the ball. Having a drill that maintains the wrists through impact allows and encourages the body to continue turning. It is much more accurate, powerful and reliable once learned.

Stanley Ross says:

Hi. I just started getting? your videos. Is there a reason you do not let your wrists unhinge in the follow-thru? Thanks, Stan

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