Golf Instruction video Gary Edwin “The Red Pill”

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trebor2515 says:

Ahhh beautiful! Got the vibe! Simple!..I feel like I can win the masters.
What an intelligent and artistically constructed little clip

eagolfpro says:

Lastly, great players find a way to win dispite the swings they employ,
Nicklaus won with 3 different swings. And won the most with his least
efficient swing. Tiger has won with three different an will win with a 4th
most likely. Norman won with 3 different swings. And swing patterns showup
largely because of what is being taught. And trends follow patterns. Just
because one pattern has been less employed than others in the past doesnt
mean it is flawed.

Joan Laplace says:

GREAT!! — guess i got something different out of this than most — My
newest theory is that one plane swings are right (me, Jerry Kelly, Stuart
Appleby, etc) and 2 plane swings are left (Woody Austin) – i’m obsessed
with worry that my left side is wothless…….geeze…sure glad i took the
RED pill!!! You know it’s just GOTTA BE THE PILL!! Who the hell is this

youthbus says:

wow thats totally ignorant to put ben hogan as a right sided swing. His
swing is definitely left sided. He shifts better than anyone, just cause
his swing seems flat and compact (even though its on plain), doesn’t mean
its right sided. U need to correct the vid bro.

benhoganfan says:

heresy including ben hogan as one of them you should be burned at the stake
lol go back to the matrix

benhoganfan says:

tiger woods 13 majors gary edwin ass lickers 0 majors FACTUAL own your
swing go play with your pencil dick

Compress59 says:

another great comment benhoganfan, do you belive that Tiger won 14majors
because of the way he swings it?if so why dont you swing it like him then
you shoud also win 14 majors?Tiger has more talent in his finger nail than
most of us do in our whole body.Hows Tigers knee going? maybe we should all
swing like he does and we can get to our mid 30s and be in a wheelchair,he
is so fit and strong and still his body breaks down due to his swing!

Tacoz4Evry1 says:

Peter Senior seems to be doing pretty well right now, and Tiger Woods will
be the first one to tell you Rod Pampling has the best swing on tour. So
much so that Woods approached Gary, but Gary said no.

Compress59 says:

The less you do the more it can repeat, anyone with a brain cell would
understand this.

trebor2515 says:

so much anger and hate.. it’s just a theory about a game, that’s all. i
love playing matchplay against guys like you; makes me smile watching you
throw clubs and beating yourselves, you make winning too easy!

eagolfpro says:

Wow, a lot of opinions out there. Hogan was born left-handed, yet was
ambidextrous. He swung the club 100 times a day holding it in his right
hand only. Said he wish he has three right hands on the club during
delivery and described the stroke as a side-arm underhanded throw. He
definitely loaded to his left by the end of the transition creating a
counter action that allowed him to rotate his left side well, however he
still delivered his stroke right sided.

benhoganfan says:

young gun maybe you should take the pill get out of the dream Fact is
Pampling Lonard and Senior were all good players and the cold hard thruth
is 0 major championships

eagolfpro says:

To those that think the swing wins majors, you are kidding yourself. The
top ten major winners of all time all had different strokes, some swingers,
some throwers, about half right side delivery actions and about half left.
Walter Hagen used right side delivery, Nicklaus said he did it that way as
well, as did Hogan, and Sam Snead said that is the action he learned to
play the game. Most have some left side body pulling in the transition, yet
deliver right sided.

aussiega says:

Gary Edwin never had what it took to create world class players , he
totally missed the whole Ben Hogan concept…certain he has no idea on
Hogans thoughts

333pg333 says:

You clowns who run around from one GE clip to the next just to create havoc
only make yourselves look childish…oh wait…of course, we’re dealing
with children. Better hurry up it must be way past your bedtime. yawn….

WVU Benjisaur says:

While I personally prefer the long arcing swing of Tiger Woods and try to
use his mechanics to model my own swing from, if the right sided swing
helps you than by all means use it! You gotta use what you are comfortable
with, comfort breeds confidence and confidence in your swing gives you the
low scores and if you are like me the wager at the end of the round :)

eagolfpro says:

Arnold Palmer, Gary Player, Tommy Armour (who said whack the hell out of it
with the right side) all had strong right side delivery actions. There was
a much shorter era in history where pulling with the left arm was promoted
than delivering with the right arm. Even The Golfing Machine describes both
ways as being viable. The key is finding a stroke that works for you and is

martinavizcomm says:

Ben Hogan was left-handed

benhoganfan says:

latest update tiger 14 majors and how many for the much vaunted edwin right
side swing or should it be hit?

jelqer says:

You don’t understand!

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