Golf Instruction Video Gary Edwin”Tigers Clock is Ticking”

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Gary Edwin Golf Instruction Video comparing right and left sided golf swings Tiger Woods Ben Hogan and Moe Norman.

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bails1080 says:

what a load of shit, tigers clock ticking. Yeah its just clicked over for
another 4 us pga tour wins this seaon alone. Keep talking it up left side
duecebags while the real golfers keep coiling up transferring weight and
winning. Don’t believe the hype, believe results

speedracer68 says:

what is this all about anyway.??

Clay Zwicker says:

That video was awesome…where did you find that video of Moe?

aussiegolfer59 says:

good lucking fixiing it tiger working with haney….If you shift half a
foot laterally on the backswing with an over wide takeaway you have to spin
out or clear your hips to get back to impact, hense the terminology tiger
got stuck. Stuck is a product of a poor backswing. Tiger is stuck on ever
shot, slow a massive 40y block cut down and flush drive up the middle and
if u can see any difference in the two swings your deluded Tiger still
can’t hit his driver on the planet let be honest

Clay Zwicker says:

can you please send me the clip …?

garyedwingolf says:

Gary did a seminar with Moe in 2000.We have about an hour of him talking
with Moe about his concepts and hitting balls. There is some footage of
this on our website. Thanks for the comment

Tacoz4Evry1 says:

@scarletbandit1 2 years later it sounds pretty smart doesn’t it?

qball153 says:

i agree tiger doesnt own his swing yet like ben and moe did. but he does
own his mind, thats why he is so sucessful. not his swing he can hit off
one leg if he wanted to O he already did that. so please dont put down a
player to prove a point. because your mixing points (winning and having a
good swing). i agree tiger doesnt have the best swing but he has the most
important key and thats the mental.

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