Golf Lesson | Golf Grip Stop Hooking

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Close Mark Crossfield Exeter golf professional talks about the problems with a strong golf grip. In this video golf lesson Mark shows yo…

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Jared Pratt says:

get your hands in front of? the ball at impact

Mark Crossfield says:

Yes a wide sole offset and weight at the back will cause a higher ball flight. Make sure you are driving your weight through before and? as you hit the ball to keep your launch at the correct angle.

ZhaustEzine says:

To be a? bit more clear, I meant to ask if the increased offset and wide sole with the weight in the back, be the cause of the very high ball flight now that i’m swinging much better. Or is there some other aspect of my swing that i need to look into. I don’t think my ball position is much more forward than it should be. Thanks in advance!

ZhaustEzine says:

Hi Mark. My swing has improved with your online lessons. I’m striking the ball much crisper and consistently since i stopped swaying, changed grip and kept my head behind the ball. My problem, now that i’m hitting the sweet spot more often with increased swing speed, i’m getting a very high ball flight. So much so i’m losing about 10 yards on my shots. I use game improvement mx15 clubs with stiff graphite shafts. Could the offset and thick sole? be the problem or is there an error in my swing?

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