Golf Lessons for Beginners : Golf Swinging Techniques for Beginners

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Learn how to swing a golf club and get tips on proper golf swinging form and techniques in this free online beginners golf video lesson. Expert: Ken Portnoy Bio: Ken holds a Ph.D. from New York University and has been an avid chess player for forty years. He is a rated player and has played and won several chess tournaments. Filmmaker: ken portnoy

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niloh96 says:

Im only a? beginner,but shouldnt he be using a driver?

kfoster1984 says:

This isn’t chess.

AaronKSEL says:

its good? that he caps it off with “thank you very much” …your welcome ken

Norm McCabe says:

this is garbage.? Go to clemshaw.

Joshua78006 says:

WTF is this crap. Is this a joke? I? would like to play this guy in a match, destroy him like 10&8 and then call myself an expert because I beat a 36 HCP. Stick with chess, Ken

Jesse Willoughby says:

horrible? video…where is the expert?

Skateb0ardS says:

Is this for real!!!! LOL Expert village lost all credibility? in my books.

BrianT59 says:

Hey Ken. You should get off the stage, you´re no golf pro. You turn people off from visiting their pros. You are doing a dis-service to the teaching? industry.

badgolfer128 says:

Expert Village is an epic? fail..

eddie Butt says:

You have a good? swing for a 36 handicap

salvatione87 says:

look at his wrists.. he is a? joker..

Coonation13 says:

this guys an idiot. i’d own your shit bitch. it looks like its the? third time he’s ever touched a golf club… and he’s swinging in his house. haha

Erik Solberg says:

weight stays on the right leg until impact,? then is transferred to the left during the follow through. fail …

blizzardsx says:

Ken… your stance is too wide, and your left elbow is a mess. ? However, I did enjoy the tip about balance being so important. Thank you sir.

golfmaniac007 says:

this is a very good lesson on how to hit fat and thin? shots.

doran29 says:

This guy is awful….My 3 year old son can do a better job explaining the fundamentals of a swing…….Making a complete backswing would be a good? start.

TheGolfingF1Cart says:

He is right.? I thought this video was better than the bloody ” spin that globe” nonsense!

Nikki8489 says:

Wow, you are awful… Stop teaching people.?

cfshane says:

I forgot the word WORST, thank you very much. lol?

cfshane says:

Ken,? this has to be the golf lesson ever. Thank you.

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