Golf Mental Tips I Was Playing Well Until

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Close Golf Mental Tips – I Was Playing So Well Until ……… How many times have you heard yourself say those words about your golf ga…

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runestone72 says:

Thanks Lindy. I think you are 100% right and i’ll adopt your advice next
round. I had another average round today where my routine and feel was
impatient & vague. I can still picture myself tense and anxious pre-shot.
Another thing i noticed today, on my bad shots, was that i caught myself
using my left-eye’s peripheral vision to watch the direction path of the
golf ball as i strike it (taking a peek). I instantly realise i’ve wasted
focus and intent on the job at hand. This happens mainly on difficult/
risky shots or shots where i have failed previously.?

Golf Mental Tips says:

Oh dear, I know I haven’t been very good with my videos this last few weeks
but here is one that will really help you to make up for it! Hope it helps
you understand why you sometimes start off playing a fantastic game of golf
but it kind of trails off. Don’t forget to leave me your comments below,
bye for now.?

Linda Candy says:

Have you ever uttered the words ‘I was playing so well until …..’? Let me
explain what happens.?

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