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Golf swing and fitness with TPI and Me and My Golf. Part 3. Piers and Andy are at the Titleist Performance Institute with Co founder Dave Phillips and in thi…

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Jay Smooth says:

I know Mr P knows his stuff and I’m not debating, but I think the dropped
knee thing is a habit formed from a time when Andy maybe had the hip
problem and it has stuck in his swing. When he is asked to straighten his
leg and let the hip open he seems to do this without any difficulty at all
and actually looks very easy for him to do. Not disputing the merit of what
the instructor said but it didn’t appear to me that Andy had trouble at all
doing it which would make me think it was a limitation and now just a habit
ingrained in his swing. Either way the info here is priceless. ?

Ivan Torres says:

One of the best episodes from Me and My Golf, congratulations guys! Lots of
great content and knowledge, Mr. Phillips really knows his stuff!?

Jay Smooth says:

Great series guys. Thanks?

XesserX says:

I normally find all the fitness-type videos quite boring…. But, this
three part series was just awesome! Superb work guys! Dave is also really
good on camera which helps a lot.
Now that Andy is way better, go play a rematch against Crossfield and
Shiels! :-)?

Mathew Tuomey says:

Great Video, Dave Phillips extremely knowledgeable. Great for most people
like me sitting in work watching you on Youtube and driving home! Hence
nightly gym seshs.

Couple of questions, how often should you hold the stretch for? And how
often should you do the exercises? Have you been doing the stretches Andy?!
Keep up the good work ?

Tigersmundo says:

MyTPI absolutely breathtaking how accurate this knowledge is dispensed. ?

3rdgroove says:

Once again great stuff guys! Dave is so good at talking you through the
swing – so much more awareness… Are you still doing the drills Andy? And
has the hip improved??

Stephane Gauthier says:

amazing stuff guys. Exactly my problem too. thanks a lot.?

Horatio Lee says:

I love this Video! I was falling back so much, no plug! This TPI is
amazing! ?

stevenjmuir21 says:

Some excellent information again there guys! Great insight into another
aspect that is often forgotten about, being the physical side.?

fidelio53 says:

This is genius. Definitely one of the best videos out there and it’s
perfectly explained. Thanks for the great work fellas.?

NLPrometheus says:

My question is, how did you decide who would get all this advice? Did you
have a match or something??

hejulien says:

That s a great video !
Thanks you to share that knowledge. ?

Richard Gaule says:

Wow poor Andy got a gruelling! I hope piers was screened before this !!?

Davis Adams says:

Love the video! Great stuff!! As an improving intermediate golfer I have
decided it is time to get new clubs. The only problem is I haven’t ever
tried new clubs and I am clueless to what exactly I am looking for when
selecting my new set. I already have Titleist in mind because the
previously owned set I am playing with now are Titleists and I like the
feel of them, but they are the only clubs I have ever played with. I was
hoping maybe you could help give me the info I need to make the right
choice when I am testing out new sticks at the golf shop. Thanks! Love the
videos and keep up the good work! ?

Jancen says:

In short, you need to hold the lag longer on irons versus the driver??

mpbyrne says:

Yep agree with other comments. Really good series of videos at TPI. Great

jason lovering says:

I would love to know if this has helped Andy’s game ..great upload!?

Stephen Horne says:

+Meandmygolf I watch a lot of your videos and really appreciate your
knowledge of the game and thank you for sharing your knowledge of the game.
After watching these three part videos, I felt compelled to comment. They
are great! Thank you for stressing the importance of how a body type
determines the swing, and specific fitness helps protect against injuries
and fix faults. Thanks for sharing. Also, thank you Dave Phillips for
working with Piers and Andy. ?

Ian Key says:

I have to say this series of videos are amazing I was able to relate to
them almost fault for fault and also may have explained one of my injury
problems. Thanks guys keep it up ?????????

Richard Juchniewicz says:

Can you explain how the “engaging glute” exercise is incorporated into the
hip rotation or golf swing??

michael jirgensons says:

Amazing Coach?

MPowerPhysTherapy says:

I’m a manually trained Physical Therapist who works on golfers every day
and I literally work on hip flexors and lateral glutes with all of my
golfers! Great video!?

vandy250 says:

this is exactly what Im working on right now (i,e.) separation and
activating my left hip) great vid!!!?

Kevin Gray says:

I could listen to this guy all day. He’s fantastic. ?

Jordan Jeffrey says:

I live 5 minutes away had no idea hahaha! Great info and awesome vids!?

Tom Dean says:

Good vid guys ?

Jonathon page says:

That dave phillips knows a thing or two
Ha,great stuff?

Birdie Strikers says:


edleyfinning says:

so quick question… how much does the TPI training cost??

straight True says:

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