Golf Tip: Practice Time; Sandy LaBauve

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You can get a tremendous amount of practice done away from the golf course. Solidify your set up in front of a mirror, work on your swing shape in your backy…

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joquirk1 says:

I have never had the chance to meet Sandy LaBauve, her husband Mike
LaBauve, Jeff Ritter, or Chuck Quinton. All of their great instruction with
hard work, has allowed me to transform my swing to a one plane, a gigantic
improvement. Ball striking is much easier & consistent every round.
Although not everyone is meant for the one plane swing I still highly
recommend everyone watching their available videos on the internet. Thanks
tons and nice instruction here on this one Sandy.

eddie Butt says:

stop promoting your crappy website on other people’s posts

Sims3TheChannel says:

haha her driver looks taller than her

david9639 says:

the driver looks taller than she is !

S.c. Nouvice Walzas says:

@Sims3TheChannel Golf is a lot like sex. You don’t have to be good at it to
enjoy it

desmond dalek says:

nice vid. i like the idea of practicing while watching TV – maybe tomorrow
i will work on my TV watching while playing golf!

MartialGolf says:

Nice tips!

golfatlittleturtle says:

Thank you, Sandy, that was well explained!

Ben Blackshaw says:


amarkev says:

Enjoyed it. I will give it a try. BTW, I was able to go from a 25 handicap
to 12 this year. See my secret HOWTOBREAK80 . COM

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