Golf Tips Magazine: Turn the Hands

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Want to stop curving the ball so much and start hitting straighter shots? Try this technique by Frank O’Connell, PGA.

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Craig P says:

Easy way to remember to make your grip stronger or weaker. Remember, it may
not feel completely comfortable at first, but give it time and hit some
balls. I tend naturally to adopt a strong grip, so I turn my hands right
till I can see the first two knuckles of my left hand. Apparently, this
what most Pro’s teach, but I ‘feel’ naturally more comfortable with my left
hand even more left and I can’t see both Knuckles. I have small hands, and
the grip is likely a 1/16″ to big for my hands, perhaps

W. Jones says:

This is a band/

W. Jones says:

This is possibly a band-aid fix though for a bigger problem which is the
swing path.

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