Golf Tips Magazine— Width is Your Enemy

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According to Devin Nolan, the proper feet width is determined by the hips, not the shoulders. For more golf tips visit

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UnitedCommodities says:

Jason Zubeck has a wide stance, yet he kills it… why would that be?

W. Jones says:

This is all wrong. Most people would lose balance if they swing fast
enough. Also, he talks about pivoting properly into the right leg, but he’s
not the best example for that. He has too big of a hip turn in the
backswing this reducing his X Factor and reducing the potential power of
his swing. Furthest I’ve ever hit a ball is 356 yards straight down the
fairway, and I don’t set up or swing like that. It’s too erratic and if I
did, I’d lose my balance.

kevski1979 says:

yeah you can do this but your more subject to lose balance when your trying
to have a high swing speed on the driver…

Cameron gildea says:

cool thanks

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