Golf Tips & Techniques : Improving Your Driver Golf Grip

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Get expert golf tips on improving your grip on the driver, from the universal grip to the cross handed grip and more in this free golf lesson video. Expert: …

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flipnchip says:

check flipnchip on YouTube.

kits013 says:

………. A+ for effect F for FXXX

Cheeko1111 says:

What a joke!

JChills says:

fucking gay

Klistern2 says:

“or any club for that matter” …lol

Andre Cronje says:

WOW..this guy is good..!! Get me a bucket..QUICK!! ARRGHHHH!!!

mpinffaman says:

The best part was when it ended…..

frozenmusic82 says:

Since when has anyone ever used a “driver” golf grip? You’re setting
yourself up for failure if you don’t use the same grip for all of your
clubs. Plain and simple. I’m sure the examples he points out are people who
use these grip exceptions (as dumb and inefficient as they are) with all
their clubs. If you’re just learning to play golf, skip this lesson.

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surfshark13 says:


emall low says:

Hahaha…..what did we learn? The standard grips of the clubs.

benner39 says:

expert village is the greatest learning tool ever created! Who is with me

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