Golf Tips to Fix a Slice : Fix a Slice by Hitting with the Toe of the Club

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Try curing your slice by hitting the ball with the toe of the club; learn pro golf tips for fixing, curing a slice in this free golf lesson video. Expert: Ja…

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MrZbrothers says:

wow that guy is? a dumbass

abraham5839 says:

thats right you wont slice but you will duck hook the shit out of? it

ajmcstoner says:

Ur an Idiot, why? would u fix your golf problem with another problem.

Joe Siravo says:

yes you can change your grip but the other 2 are completely wrong. you need to swing from the inside and have a stronger grip.? Not strenght but stronger. left hand needs to be showing more then 2 knuckles.

Ferenus1 says:

I slice the ball and im consistently hitting with the toe not on purpose its just natural what do you think im? still doing wrong

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