Golf Tips tv: How to warm up before you play

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iGolftv says:

@lockine I’ve taken your comments on board and the new season 3 is even
better produced. If he cant watch the old ones well he’ll luv the new ones
shot in Florida.. Finally man we do our best !!

iGolftv says:

@MrChubbleyWarner Most top pro’s workout in the physio van on the bike for
around 15 to 30 minutes before they head to the practice ground, this gets
the heart beat up and generally gets there body ready to perform. Be
careful of stretching without warming up first, my advice would be jogging
on the spot in the changing room and basically working on some rotation
movements, then swinging 2 clubs together is an old trick but still a goody
for most handicap players.

lockine says:

Hi Dave Love these videos but why the annoying music! A friend put me onto
this series but can’t watch them himself because of that unbearable

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