Hank Haney: The 5-Minute Slice Fix

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This 3-part drill will re-route your swing and get you hitting draws. It’s as easy as starting with a simple clockwise circle.

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mdx2526 says:

Just used this tip and to my? surprise it actually worked. Great drill!

gravitygolf says:

While many of our drills have ended up in other peoples repertoire, if people are being helped and it is to the betterment of the? game than by all means lets make the game more fun, relaxed and tension free! Hank is a great coach and is one of the most perseverant people I believe to have come across. I think we can all learn from each other and keep doing our part to help out.

W. Jones says:

No, the Scottish came up with it. After all, they invented the hardest and greatest game? ever played.

Alf M says:

Its not really theft, that’s saying that only one teacher can teach 1+1=2 since they came up with it. But he should give credit where it’s due, if he got the? idea from someone

Jack Nick says:

This is blatant theft of material. David Lee of Gravity Golf has been teaching this for 10 years along with many other drills that Hank has taken as his own. Look? at the Gravity Golf Core Drill or Front Route Drill.

bmorriscc says:

This 5 minute fix? was 2 minutes

Christopher James says:

best video? I have ever seen on how to fix a slice!

77bovi says:

this might be one of the best? fixes for a slice or how to draw the ball. great drill to do on the tee. thanks!

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