Hitting, Throwing or Swinging – Perfect Golf Swing Techniques by EA Tischler

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EA Tischler is the founder of the New Horizons Golf Approach and has self published 18 golf instructional books and is currently working on a series entitled…

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thegolfingmachine says:

Dear EA, as of your video, I think we can discuss the bit about the
elasticity of the tools that we are using (the golf club). longitudinal
acceleration with centripetal reaction, applying less stress to the swing
vehicle, and therefore we can use that procedure to swing something with
less elasticity, but having said that the clubshaft is made of steel and
not a rope. Having said that if we are using the coupling point as the
swing centre, we can still use radial acceleration to create centrifugal
force (fractious force), and by doing so, we can put more stress of the
clubshaft. Again, we will have to link those to our muscle strength where
the improper use of the muscle strength will affect the storage of the
potential of the clubshaft… haha confusing? ?

Ball Striker says:

IMO and from my experience from taking many lessons. Hitting has been the
missing puzzle of my swing. I went back and forth for months between
hitting, swinging and throwing. Finally decided on hitting because it gave
me the most compression, distance and consistency. So I play what I call
smash golf, I smash the ball down so it can go up. It’s practically
impossible to smash the ball through the ground b/c the club face points up
and towards your target. So give it a try and smash the ball down.?

Mox_au says:

great vid, interesting to hear it explained like this

Cuda Garage says:

That Thrusting action or Hitting action sounded like the best compression
by a mile.

WolfieTed says:

Ernie else has to have the most relaxed swing that still produces distance.
He is a fine example to most students who so often try to hit the ball,
rather than swing the club and let the ball get in the way.

Jacob Racquer says:

I just wanted to say that you are a genius. These options have literally
changed the way I view golf. Your concepts and explanations of them are
awesome. Thank you for being so unique and actually offering something of

????? ???????? says:

???????? ??????? ?? ?????!!! ?????…. :)


I know there is a lot of great swingers, past and present but I consider
Freddie Couples to be one of the greatest examples of fluidity…It’s a
thing of beauty and I try to emulate him…tension free, let the club do
most of the work!!

gekko rules says:

dear Coach .. hi. firstly i would like to thank you for this very
informative video. I believe that coaches should be more aware of these ‘3’
categories of golf swings in order to coach students better, rather than
imposing their own personal preference. somehow, at least now i dont feel
quilty being a ‘hitter’ as a self-taught golfer since 2008. had a coach or
two but my body just doesn’t go with their imposed teachings. again TQ
coach. take care…from Malaysia

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