How Pro Golfers Practice Short Game

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Heres how you can practice short game like the pros, short game tips. Share and Sub:) http:…

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THIS GUY says:

are you sponsored yet??

Lu lz says:

Thanks a lot?

StephenMc3 says:

What’s your handicap man??

emil lorentzen says:

dude your great. i love all your videos. your swing is really cool to. ?

Golf Clinic Scandinavia says:

This is the way to do it!
Practice short game is the key to lower the score for most amatures,
but most of em hits drives on the range as practice.?

PureSwingTV says:

Heres one way of being more calculative and structured when practicing
short game. please share. Thank you!?

Scott Adland says:

I could of sworn that I designed this drill and you stole it!
If you’re going to post drills please give credit were credit is due. I’ll
be making everyone aware if this ?

ZhangM17 says:

Hey Gabe, mind making a video on how to read grain, especially on greens?
I’ve read a lot of articles and watched a lot of videos, but none have
really covered the skill. Plus, would you recommend the multi compounds?
I’m thinking of regripping to BCT full cords, because my hands get
ridiculously sweaty on the course and I’m afraid the multi compounds may be
too rough for my hands, especially on little touch shots. Thanks!?

rcfrenzy16 says:

Hey Gabe i live in the Midwest and its not warm out here like it is in
Arizona because here its so cold that my nipples could cut ice but that’s
irrelevant. Do you have any tips or drills to stay warm/not go bad in the
off season that you could do around your house. Thanks?

Gunnar Farstveet says:

I wish I could practice, but where I live there is 4 feet of snow and it is
-5 degrees ;(?

Ryan Snowed says:

Thanks! will defiantly try!!?

Seekndestroy876 says:

Awesome as always gabe?

markcookson2010 says:

You got great screen presence Gabe, hope you make it in golf television.
You deserve it?

Daniel Marino says:

Great video! I wish I could practice like this all day.?

Cole Pry says:

Thnx great vid how about some more course vlog and more stuff with Toby

tomfallon11 says:

That short game area looks absolutely unreal, better than any one iv ever
been on in England!?

Mitchel Ryan says:

Love these drill videos. Are the circles just scotch tape??

Christian Taylor says:

Hey Gabe, could you post an update on your own goals and where you see
yourself going with golf in the next year, 5 years etc. ?

danradke98275 says:

Also Gabe, could you perhaps make a video of how to shop around for the
right instructor to start taking golf lessons? I’ve never had lessons but
play to around a 10-12 handicap. Thanks man!?

danradke98275 says:

Yo Gabe these instruction videos are awesome! But dude i was wondering, do
you have any recommendations on good golfing books to read? Thanks homie!
Or anyone here for that matter lol?

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