How to Play Golf – How to hit the driver far like Rory Mcilroy

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Richard PerkinGolf says:
SuperNicoleMarie22 says:

How do you know when to pick your head up? That’s my problem and the ball
goes no where :( ?

Immanis Precoris Custos says:

So how far did you hit the ball??

bobbie bobbejaan says:

I agree with your video. Unfortunately most 10-24 handicap golfers cannot
“perform the lower body separation from the upper body” to start the

Lewis Reed says:

Is that wembley in the background ?

Jancen says:

I really need some help on my driver swing. The biggest problem is my
follow thru and finish. When I practice swing, a have a good follow thru
and finish and I can hear the swoosh on my driver. However, when there is
a ball in front of me, I decelerate big time before impact and I stop my
swing right after impact with the shaft parallel to the ground. No
complete finish no matter how hard I try. Just wondering if you can help
me on this.?

Wesley Hessr says:

Great video and aesthetic swing. Well done.?

Steve Evans says:

Left hand to right pocket, great tip!

Nick Bright says:

I tend to do one handed practice swings with my driver, so this will help
even more

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