How to Relax While Playing; #1 Most Popular Golf Teacher on You Tube Shawn Clement

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Close Shawn Clement, Director of the Richmond Hill Golf Learning Centre and top 25 Canadian PGA Teaching Professional as rated by S…

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Tim Shay says:

Hi Shawn, Great vid as always! What you describe here sounds akin to what
Dr. Bob Rotella talks about in “Golf is Not a Game of Perfect” You train
your swing on the range and TRUST it on the course. The pre-shot routine is
one of the least taught aspects of the golf swing IMHO. Never have a
mechanical thought while playing. Always be tuned into what you are doing
at the present moment. Thanks for all the great vids Shawn. You’ve helped
me tremendously try to understand and play this game.

Shawn Clement says:

Hello Muche; it all depends on my ball position; have you seen the “Tilted
Spiral part 3?” The key here is not to try to manipulate the ball to a
target; you want to let the momentum of the swing go in the direction it
feels like it is going to go; you should also check on your grip and club
face at address too; sounds like it is too open (Watch Braced Tilt Part 2
for that) Thanks for the question, Shawn

tenaciousbee says:

Hey Joel1991, Do like I do, Tell as many of your friends about Shawn and
then you’ll see more hits. I have also sent friends these videos when my
friends tell me they don’t have time. These are the best videos, especially
when my brother is on the course and I notice he hits at the ball or has a
frustration. I always know what he should be viewing! Great Job Shawn!
TenaciousD Dallas Texas

tbgolfer727 says:

hey i was just wondering should it feel like you are swinging lazily when
you hit the ball. and is better if you swing only 80-90%

Shawn Clement says:

I would go with the “Leverage Power” and “On the slopes videos” with the
attention on the “uphill Shots”; Thanks for the comment and kind words!

Samuel Cohen says:

Thanks Sean – one quick question: How long does your pre-shot routine take
from the time you grab a club from your bag to the time you hit a shot? One
thing I have noticed about my own game is that the time I take seems to
vary tremendously. And because slow play drives me nuts, I find I hit my
shot even though I have that ‘red-light’ feeling you described. But there
is nothing worse than the guy who takes 5 minutes to hit a shot, only to
duff it 5 feet and I dont want to be that guy!. Sam

Shawn Clement says:

Hey Hoyster! That is easy! You are resisting way too much in the backswing
with the hips and your arms keep having to reach back so that you have
enough backswing to whip the club adequately; I hope you have seen the “Be
a Solid Ball striker” “How to swing WITH the Body” and then have a look at
my “Student swing Analysis” part 1 and 2 since you are going this route;
and money is directly proportionate with your ability to teach…:) All
organizations differ…Shawn

Shawn Clement says:

Thanks Tenacious D! Also, I have many videos at more than 50 000 hits and a
few over 100 000; these ones here have just been uploaded less than a week
ago…:) Shawn

Tony O'Toole says:

“This very basic antidote is what makes it excellent.”

JoelCharron1991 says:

im suprised you dont get more views these are great videos!!

TheHoyster13 says:

Hi Shawn. Please Could you take a quick look at my swing please, and help
with my high elbow. Also a bit of a personal question so you wouldnt have
to answer but how much do you get paid yearly because Im hoping to become a
sports coach when Im older.

fauzimnoor says:

yesterday was very different on course. i played all the shots start from
practice routine and try to thinking where i want it go. then most of the
shots came out just what i expect it to be. you ve changed my life.
“wow…thats golf!” you re great man.

Shawn Clement says:

It is called “the inner game of tennis” and “inner tennis, playing the
game” by Timothy Gallwey”; Sorry for the late response…been a crazy
spring and summer! :) Shawn

macgolfish says:

Shawn, as usual, this is an excellent lesson. I note that you didn’t pick a
reference point on the target line just in front of the ball. Does such a
practice help with alignment or hinder your focus? Where should your focus
be just prior to the start of the swing? Thanks for sharing your time and
all your great videos.

Shawn Clement says:

Great comment here Sam! the rules give you 50 seconds if you are first to
go and 40 seconds if you are second and so on… My Routine hovers between
23 and 30 seconds depending on how many practice swings I feel I need to
get to the match with the picture of how I am going to get to the target.
You want to rehearse this on the range hitting different clubs to different
targets and also be sharp in the short game for your chips, pitches and

Shawn Clement says:

Lazily I think is the wrong term; I prefer smooth with tone; and you are on
to something with 80%; see “golf pro lesson timing and tempo” for that one;
Thanks for the comment! Shawn

Shawn Clement says:

Now for the arms, there is a whole section on the arms in my “you tube
Shawn” page of my website; the one to look at is the “Elbow close?” video
and also look at the “Training Aids” part 1 and 2 video where I show how we
use the “Izzo Strap” which is a blue elastic strap that helps with the feel
of the arms being used as “one unit” being moved with “Heavy Momentum” by
the body; the video for that is the “Tilted Spiral” part 2; Enjoy! Shawn

Shawn Clement says:

Fantastic question and one golfers should really ask more often! You want
to have one feel to one target; it can be an intermediate target as well;
See “golf pro lesson alignment tweaking” and “golf pro lesson how to repeat
your practice swing”; All the best! Shawn

TheHoyster13 says:

Ty very much I will put the Izzo strap on my Birthday list.

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