Impact Zone Golf Drill

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One drill builds a consistant swing bottom with steady head, weight forwad & flat left wrist focusing on the. forward aiming point. Build a sound swing befor…

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LPGA Cathy Schmidt says:

HI Scott, Great that you found The Impact Zone Golf book. Bobby knows best!
If you have any questions feel free to call. Happy golfing, Cathy

LPGA Cathy Schmidt says:

to keep the shaft forward leaning

shlomo rabbo says:

kathy….at 220 in the video… seem to be moving the right wrist
forward……am i missing something……its done for what reason

scott4525 says:

Secret to golf, I have been playing for 32 years and have never hit the
ball as good as I do now. I bought the impact zone golf book and it changed
everything. Nice to see instructors teaching this.

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