Improve Your Golf Swing Stop The Chicken Wing

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Steve Evans says:

Excellent Mark. I’ve got a chicken wing!!! I only spotted after filming my
swing in slow motion. Now I know how to fix it.

Mark Crossfield says:

Improve Your Golf Swing Stop The Chicken Wing with AskGolfGuru Mark
Crossfield PGA Professional. See how this iPhone golfer could improve his
golf with some simple drills from Mark.?

Troy D says:

Terrific video lesson. I’m building up to this swing change slowly. So far,
the results are fantastic with the 54 wedge. Plan to move to the 8 iron
after one or two sessions and then 6 iron, 5 wood, 3 wood, and finally
driver. Figuring it will take 2-3 practice sessions with some swings in
between hitting balls to get this ingrained. Thanks, Mark!

Callum Coker says:

Excellent drill, can really relate as an ex cricketer, to this chicken wing
problem.. Since trying this drill i have been hitting the ball alot
straighter! With a hint of draw :-) all the way from New Zealand..

efavorite says:

Ive been looking for this for months to cure my chicken swing. There are
lots of theories out there but this by far is the best one, it s about the
release , greatly appreciated!

meandair says:

Hi Mark, great vid as usual, always enjoy watching. I think alot of chicken
wing problems come from shot confusion. We see the hold off shot being
played so much by tour players & I think some of us try to replicate this &
get in a bit of mess & confusion with this & a full released swing. Any
chance of a video fully explaining the difference, when we use the two
shots, how to differentiate between the feelings. Thanks.

Hunter333444 says:

Thank you! You explained very well this really helped give some feel to
stop the chicken wing

KUSO2400 says:

Have struggled with this for a while. Never have distance problems but have
inconsistent contact. Tried this drill today for the first time for a few
balls on the range then played and used as my preshot routine and it made a
big difference. Shot a 77 today . Going to continue practicing this. Thx a

James Bowden says:

Mark, I have suffered from the chicken wing for years. I have had many a
lesson and have tried lots of tips but nothing worked. I watched your video
and the next day tried it in our seniors roll up. My follow through felt
better straight away and some of the strikes were the best I’ve ever hit.
Two weeks later and my playing partners are moaning because I am taking the
money. Not the finished article but so much better, thanks a lot and keep
up the good work.

Roper1979 says:

Mark. Absolutely superb. I have this problem and never really knew how or
why I was doing it. I can’t wait to get in the net tomorrow and try this.
The best way I’ve been able to describe my follow through until this point
was “it feels like I’m snatching at it”. It make my swing look awkward and
broken. I’ve only been playing for 4 months but I just couldn’t understand
what I was doing wrong. Thanks. Great video.

Paul Singleton says:

lol love the practice net 😉

kyle9256 says:

mark, by doing a chicken wing shot what would this cause?push, hook etc…

Eoin Considine says:

@kyle9256 dont do a chicken wing. it is the worst thing you can do in a
follow through it takes 7/8ths of ur total distance off your shots

claytonskyler says:

Yeah well……

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