Increase Golf Swing Lag and Power for Golf – The Finger Hold Drill

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Increase Golf Swing Lag and your power for golf Here you see one of the best drills you can do to improve your golf swing…

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athleticgolftraining says:
seventyfive1 says:

Great drill, thank you!?

Konrad Gekko says:

good drill. what about the grip strength. should i not try to realx my
forarms in order to be able to create that angle??

johnnyboy89able says:

you forgot the most essential factor. People are constantly being told by
poor teachers to ‘hold the lag’. Sorry that ain’t going to cut it. This
causes them to disengage the power in their left shoulder and wait on the
downswing. Huge power drain. Instead they should be taught to pull down
hard with their left shoulder muscles at the very top keeping their left
levered arm relatively straight. The delayed release in fact only happens
when the left wrist uncocks close to or at impact.This entire issue of lag
is very poorly communicated by most teachers. The golf swing is an athletic
motion and an aggressive move from right out of the left shoulder socket at
the top of the swing is needed to create powerful pulling from the left
side in addition to the pushing which most right dominant right-handed
golfers use.?

Ernest Crosby says:

Dude didn’t hit the wall!!?

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