Jim McLean Golf Swing Analysis- Bruce Lietzke

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http://www.jimmclean.com/ McLean analyzes Bruce Lietzke’s golf swing. Bruce and Jim attended the University of Houston and played on the golf team.

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Eric Copeman says:

In the mid seventies he was one of the longest hitters on the tour also.
Very smooth and relaxed power! ?

Mark Sherer says:

We followed Bruce at the Bob Hope about 11 years ago, it was on an off
course that day (no movie stars) so we were among very few watching, We
wanted to see a slicer play. Bruce hit a very high FADE with his irons a
pro fade maybe 5 yards..and his driver was darn near straight most of the
time… McLean fails to mention but Bruce set up almost square not open
like Travino and hit a high almost straight shot that fell to the right
(fade). ?

inmhstn says:

Palmer’s swing was an inside to square as well.?

The says:

So on his backswing he is taking it inside, is that because he wants to
coil and engage the connection between his left bicep and left pectoral?
Also I really appreciate the belt buckle note but I also noticed that even
though he extends his lower half through to that position his head stays
inside the box, in fact his left ear is in the centre of your highlighted
square. Is that something I should try and do?

Henry Leparskas says:

Lietzke, Furyk – wonderful athletes and unique swings. Jim, I disagree with
using the railway workers sledge hammer analogy. Their job was to smash the
spike DOWN into the ground. If you have ever taken a heavy axe or hammer
and swung so as to throw the hammer down the fairway to the target, you’ll
notice that the body reacts in such a way as to find the swing plane
naturally. There isn’t need for a looping action at all. And you can hit
the spike every time as well. This is a great drill.

geesecougar2 says:

Jim, what did Bruce tell you about the subject of the bowed left wrist at
the top?

CaptainAndrewWiggins says:

how jim, can i find that slot? pls tell me.

MrPholding says:

How much left to right did his ball move say with a driver?

Peter Martin says:

Ridiculous. Very possible to teach both swings, although Furyk gives up too
much power. Talk to Kelvin Miyahira, he knows how to do it. Wouldn’t slide
laterally as much as Bruce does, btw, or stand as close as Furyk.

MrLuigiFercotti says:

One thing worth noting, his grip is somewhat weak, the back of his left
hand is pointing to the target. Therefore, even with the bowed wrist, is
clubface is only slightly closed. Combining a bowed left wrist with a
strong grip is not such a good combination.

cloranstreetkid says:

Wasn’t Calvin Peete a 9-time driving leader and 7-time GIR leader? Two
great swings for sure.

impactmethodgolf says:

great swing for Bruce ..but sorry that swing would not be teachable even if
you wanted to..Much like Furyk’s, just not teachable.

DrBob says:

I would leave this up to Jim to answer, but I don’t think his grip is that
weak. I suspect golfers are just too accustomed to all the strong grips in
the game today. Also this swing is much more teachable than the PC down the
line stuff that’s taught these days. If you hand people a club and ask them
to swing, they’re far more likely to swing like this than they are to
contort their bodies to do what the instructor wants–not always a good
thing, but useful in this case.

GolfTips4JimMcLean says:

Bruce said that didn’t you want a flat left wrist at impact so it didn’t
hurt having it flat at the top. Pretty simple for Bruce

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