Kyle Lograsso on NBC10 Philadelphia

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Also featured in May 2007 Golf Digest! Four-year-old Kyle Lograsso in his television debut on NBC10 Philadelphia. Kyle is a wonderful boy with loads of energy, smiles, and determination. Even after the loss of an eye due to cancer, his attitude has always been cheerful and his skills on the golf course exceptional. Get to know Kyle for his ability, but get to like him for who he is.

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DONGOE says:

Become friends on -? Through Kyle’s Eyes Foundation/Official Kyle Lograsso Facebook Page

DONGOE says:

Visit? – Through Kyle’s Eyes Foundation/Official Kyle Lograsso Facebook Page

Rachel Khan says:

oh shit 46 on? 9 holes for a 4 year old?! oh shit thats good:) hes cute:)

DonandTrist says:

it looks dirty at? 2:36 when he’s holding his trophy

gybochop says:

I think he is awesome. I just think that to get to a professional? level, his sight will be a massive hindrance once he gets older. Hope he makes it tho. Amazing swing.

PMAN46 says:

tiger should go play? with him. for fun

jennyzha0 says:

aww he’s sooo cute.
he’s gonna become the next golf legend
already? is…at age 4

p.s. he’s soo good! i can’t golf…not even on the computer…

nikpikl74 says:

look at how far back he takes the club in his? backswing… wow

moegolden says:

I think the most amazing thing about his abilities is that his parents didn’t? push him towards golf.

supergirl4583 says:

ok well maybe not related. but were pretty close to them. well my dad is. whateverr i dont have? to explain myself to you.

nojomen2 says:

X D what a joke its a lil kid and everyone thnk he is a prodigy XD XD XD XD XD XD XD? XD XD

philosophyscholar says:

I will be looking forward to watching kyle play on tour but its a shame i wont be able to watch him play against tiger head to head because tiger will be retired by the time hes playing professionally. Never the less it will be very interesting to see if kyle? comes close to any of the records tiger woods continues to make.

Hunter Kressler says:

i? know his sister.

intelligentresponse says:


intelligentresponse says:

[flarnitoob] How about “the kid gave cancer to himself, I cured him and you taught him how to play golf. But? seriously, how about His parents genetic code combination prompted the cancerous cells, He then was lucky and had an inherant natural talent. Might be too far fetched.

Peach be with you

flarnitoob says:

No, people of faith usually don’t know how to respond when posed with logical arguments.

They see: “kid got cancer somehow, then God cured him and taught him how to play golf”, without ever exploring the opposite side of the coin:? “God gave the kid cancer and he somehow got cured and taught himself how to play golf.”

supergirl4583 says:

i’m just saying, i swear im? related to him. that little boys dads brother is my godfather, not exactly blood related but still haha.

intelligentresponse says:

response to? supergirl4583

intelligentresponse says:

Your? point is?

intelligentresponse says:

Folks have hit you with? the thumbs down. However, you have a valid point and asked a valid question. Doesn’t appear anyone knows how to anwer it.

Orchestra1974 says:

God bless you Kyle…May you live a long healthy life and play the game as long as you want. You are a true? pint sized inspiration.

floydie64 says:

OOps…wrong #s Its (808)? 952-OJGA

floydie64 says:

Dear Kyle, if your parents ever bring you to Hawaii, the Jrs of the? Oahu Junior Golf Association would LOVE to meet you! Our Phone # is (808) 952-8542 or my cell is (808) 392-3807. You’re and awesome inspiration!
Mrs. Susan Asao of the OJGA

AngelPam49 says:

What a wonderful story. Please folks let’s keep the story about Kyle and not personal beliefs to fight over. Let’s feel good for Kyle, whom this story is for, and let it go at that. If you want to throw in a God? Bless Kyle then do so. If not that is OK too. Either way GOoooo Kyle!!! 0:-)

loosegoose01 says:

hes amazing !?

supergirl4583 says:

Omg!! You will not believe this? but im related to this little boy! I swear! He’s my godfathers brothers son!

lance stevens says:

This kid is one? of the best stories I’ve ever seen. I cannot let enough people know about it. Forward this on to all your friends. We all need something positive to draw on. Kyle, you’re my hero!

Angela Lenga says:

My son is 3 and had his left eye removed because of retinoblastoma as well. My husband and I were watching HBO real sports today and loved the story and were amazed at his golf skills. Then, we found ourselves staring in disbelief when we found out that Kyle,? too, suffered from the same disease that our Ethan had. I really hope the HBO piece finds it’s way to youtube because I would love to show my friends and family.

I can’t wait to see Kyle on the PGA tour!

flarnitoob says:

I have neither criticized Christians nor denied God. Why make up? lies and attack me instead of addressing the arguments I made? You really aren’t acting like much of a Christian. Again I suggest you go back and read about how Jesus taught tolerance.

flarnitoob says:

I am the fool? So you’re saying God does not give people cancer, but he gives them this kind of talent? Before calling people fools, maybe you should go read your Bible again. God giveth, and he taketh away.

Why can’t you just accept that people – even kids – can be responsible for their own gifts?

I don’t need, or want, your prayers. You are a hippocrit, and as a Christian should be ashamed of yourself for calling people fools for simply stating an opinion.?

hoofreak7 says:

this kid is much better than tiger or? any other pro golfer at his age
he has a better swing than probabaly 80% of golfers

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