Left Foot Off the Ground Golf Swing

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Mark Crossfield says:

Left foot up on the backswing is due to his sway, left foot up on the
backswing with a good move of the body like Jack is not a problem in any
way. ?

puls66 says:

coud you missunderstood the question? maybe he meant leaving his left foot
or heel of ground at the top of his swing, like jack nicklaus did it.?

comface says:

Glad I didn’t ask this question, as my left heel comes up on the
backswing… and they didn’t answer that question!?

Michaud Venant says:

Thanx Mark for helping Steve come out of his shell ;P This duo thing is
working well!! A bit like the straight / wise guy trope… abbot and

comface says:


Daniel TheGolfShagger says:

Lexi Thompson style? ?

Joe Morgan says:

Yeah I’m pretty sure he meant that his left heel comes up at the top of the
backswing not at impact ?

lumi1979 says:

my teacher told me to put my back leg foot more inside my stance, to rotate
instead of “swaa”. more weight on the front foot is great too.?

Strat TelePaul says:

Birdies on the range!?

scotty195823 says:

my left heel is up on impact and my left foot flares out. My pro suggests
its not a massive issue as I hit the ball solidly. In fact, given that I am
not as flexible as I once was forcing the heel to stay down could result in
injury. ?

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